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ECT is most often used for cases of treatment-resistant depression and some other psychiatric conditions includingbipolar disorder精神病虽然它的使用仍然存在于公众的某种争议。大约70%的患者是女性。超过三分之一的被患者65岁及以上。




  • Bilateral ECT:电极放在头部两侧的地方
  • 单方面等:Where one electrode placed on top of the head and the other on one temple, usually the right


ECT is often used when people are unresponsive to other mainstream treatments, like antidepressant drugs and psychotherapy. ECT has also been found effective in people who require a rapid treatment response due to the severity of their condition orrisk for suicide

ECT is used to treat the following:

  • 痴呆症的侵略和搅动, which can be related to the disease itself or the emotional impact of dementia.
  • 紧张症,a psychomotor condition in which a person may appear immobile, rigid, or mute; it often results from psychiatric disorders such asbipolar disorder要么精神分裂症
  • 帕金森病,particularly Parkinson's related depression as well as “on-off” syndrome, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, and intractable seizure disorders.
  • Postpartum psychosis孕妇的严重抑郁症;ECT可以减少与药物暴露于胎儿和护理婴儿相关的风险。
  • 精神分裂症,特别是当一个人没有响应抗精神病药等现有治疗时。
  • 严重的忧郁症, especially when a person also experiences精神病, suicidal thoughts, or refusal to eat in addition to the usual symptoms of depression.
  • Treatment-resistant depression,一种严重的抑郁症,不会响应药物或心理治疗,或者在短暂改进后回报。


Prior to receiving ECT, you'll need to a full health evaluation, including:

  • Physical exam
  • 精神病评估
  • Blood and lab tests (including electrocardiogram to check your heart health)


The number and type of treatments you will need depend on the severity of your symptoms. ECT is initially typically given two to three times a week for an average of six to 12 sessions and is often tapered over time.

A newer ECT technique, right unilateral ultrabrief pulse electroconvulsive therapy, may allow for fewer memory issues with the treatment.



  • 您将收到短暂的麻醉剂,以简要让您睡觉并防止您从程序中感受任何疼痛或不适。您还将收到肌肉放松,以防止肌肉收缩,否则会伴随癫痫发作。
  • 将两组电极放在头皮上:一个,以监测您的大脑活动,另一个电极,以提供小而无痛的电流。
  • When you are asleep, a small amount of electric current delivered to your head will cause seizure activity (for about 40 seconds) in the brain.
  • Several minutes after the treatment, you wake up in a recovery area but do not remember the actual treatment.

Researchers are yet to know the exact reason why ECT works, but one theory is that it helps to correct imbalances in the brain’s chemical messenger system. Others say that the seizure “resets” the brain. Several treatments may be needed to see a lasting effect.



  • 混乱
  • 头痛
  • 低血压(低血压)或高血压(高血压)
  • 增加心脏问题的风险,特别是在具有冠状动脉疾病的人中
  • 下颌疼痛
  • 记忆丧失
  • Muscle aches
  • Nausea

记忆丧失, usually short term and retrograde (things learned in the recent past), during the acute course of the treatment is one of the most commonly reported side effects of ECT.


While the use of ECT maintains some stigma, many studies and literature reviews suggest that it can be a safe and effective treatment, particularly in the case of depression, catatonia, psychosis, and suicidality.

  • 严重的忧郁症:一项研究发现,42.8%的人获得了抑郁症症状的缓解。
  • 精神病:另一项研究发现,ECT给了老年患者精神病抑郁症是减少复发风险的最佳机会。
  • Catatonic depression:研究表明,与强奸症的人占了大约80%到100%的人。
  • 自由性:研究发现ECT显着改善自杀意念伴随着各种精神疾病。





A Word From Verywell

Before undergoing ECT, talk with your doctor to make sure you have explored other options and discuss the risks. It’s also important to keep in mind that ECT is not a cure. People with serious mental illness will need to continue maintenance treatment, including psychotherapy, medication, and ongoing ECT treatments.

Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read oureditorial process要了解有关我们如何检查的更多信息,请保持内容准确,可靠和值得信赖。
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  12. Luchini, F, et al.紧脱患者的电耦合治疗:反应的疗效和预测因子世界J精神病学。2015;5(2):182-192。DOI:10.5498 / wjp.v5.i2.182

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