如果你是coping with a mental illnesslike borderline personality disorder (BPD), finding the right therapist is essential to your health and well-being. Not every psychologist is capable oftreating BPDand you may not click with the first healthcare provider you meet. It's important that you keep looking for the right person that shares your treatment goals, as you will be spending a lot of time with that individual.
7 Qualities to Look for in a Therapist
When looking for the right therapist, these are a few qualities to keep in mind:
- Established:如果您对治疗师进行快速互联网搜索,则会出现成千上万的结果。其中一些人是生命教练或专业顾问,但没有任何医学教育或专业认证,以治疗平线性人格障碍等疾病。重要的是你选择一个治疗师licensed独立练习,所以在人们的名字如LCPC,LPCC,LSCW,LISW,PH.D等人名称之后寻找标题。或md。信誉良好的心理学家和精神科医生在前面陈述了他们的凭据。寻找培训的治疗师“talk-therapy” who also has some knowledge of medication. While only a licensed MD can prescribe medications, a certified clinician can identify the need for medication options and can refer you to an appropriate doctor if necessary.
- Reassuring:While you may be nervous for your first visit or two, your therapist should never make you feel scared or intimidated. Instead, they should provide you with a comforting, nurturing environment where you are able to relax. The practitioner herself should not be authoritative or condescending, but engaging and encouraging. While you may talk about uncomfortable subjects during some sessions, you should always feel welcomed and accepted rather than shamed or judged.
- 适应性:While many psychologists have their own favorite clinical approaches, good therapists know that every client has different needs. The therapist should not try to fit the client to his preferred line of study. A good counselor works to figure out what works for each person and tailors the sessions to that person.
- Discreet:如果您只是开始咨询,您可能会担心在您的临床医生以外的临床。虽然可能发生,但如果他在星巴克跑到你身上,那么一个好的治疗师将完全谨慎。他应该将您的机密性和隐私视为最重要的,并为您提供有关在这些情况下所期望的特定信息。重要的是,由于会议巧合,你不会最终感到不舒服。
- 思想开明的:一些治疗师将根据您和您的行为挂钩your diagnosis,而不是将您视为谁作为一个独特的人。即使在处理边缘人格障碍时,你也希望治疗师允许您成为个人,而不是假设他们了解您的一切。
- 合适的:Although the therapist should be flexible and approachable, it is important that she consistently maintain appropriate boundaries with every client. There should be no sexual overtures or innuendos, no business offers and no touching that makes you feel uncomfortable.
- 接受:Your therapist should be open to your feedback regarding therapy and how you perceive the progress you have made. Therapy can be difficult at times and you may become frustrated with the whole process. By talking through these issues with your counselor, you can get a better idea of how you're doing and what the next steps will be.
A Word From Verywell
By looking for a therapist with these qualities, you can ensure a productive therapeutic relationship that will give you the help, care and guidance you need. With trust and open dialogue, you can make significant progress in your treatment.