
Female depressed patient sitting on the bed in a hospital ward
Getty Images/Eric Audras/ONOKY

气质可能是发展的重要因素边缘性人格障碍(BPD). The exact causes of BPD are not known; it is most often thought to be a combination ofgenetic (nature) and environmental (nurture)factors. Individual temperaments can predispose a person to develop BPD.

What Is Temperament?


Efforts to understand individual differences in personality have occurred throughout history. Despite this, there is no clear consensus as to what the specific temperament traits are called or how they should be categorized. However, there have been some efforts to comprehensively describe temperament; one is the New York Longitudinal Study (NYLS).


In 1956, physicians Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess beganThe New York Longitudinal Study。作者涉及六年的185名儿童,在出生时发现每个人存在的九个不同的气质特征。定义的这些特征可以有助于了解人格如何受到遗传因素(或性质)的影响。

According to Thomas and Chess, these traits are areas of behavioral styles found in every individual. Each temperament listed should be seen as having a range or being a spectrum; some infants are going to be very distractible, others less distractible, and others even less. In the end, there are endless combinations of temperaments, making each infant unique at birth.

Nine Temperament Traits

The Origin of Personality:

  • Adaptability
    • The ease with which a child adapts to changes in his environment
  • Activity Level
    • 活动时期的比例为无效的
  • Approach/Withdrawal
    • The response to a new object or person
  • Distractibility
    • The degree to which extraneous stimuli affect behavior
  • Intensity of Reaction
    • The energy of response regardless of its quality or direction
  • Quality of Mood
    • The amount of friendly, pleasant, joyful behavior as contrasted with unpleasant, unfriendly behavior
  • Persistence/Attention Span
    • 致力于活动的时间和分心对活动的影响
  • Regularity/Rhythmicity
    • The regularity of hunger, excretion, sleep, and wakefulness
  • Sensory Threshold
    • The intensity of stimuli required to evoke a discernible response

Temperament Throughout Development


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  • CHESS, STELLA, M.D., ALEXANDER THOMAS, M.D., AND HERBERT G. BIRCH, M.D., PH.D.The Origin of Personality。Scientific American, pp 102-109. 1970
  • Peter L. Heineman, 1995.Temperament Theory