Scoptophobia or the Fear of Being Stared At

Group of people looking angrily at camera

Scoptophobia, also known as scopophobia, is the fear of being stared at. It varies in severity from person to person. Some people are afraid only when a stranger stares for a long period of time, while others fear even passing eye contact with a friend. Scoptophobia is often, though not always, associated with other社交恐惧症. Untreated, the fear may worsen over time.


ScopTophobia是一种特定的恐惧症,但它属于社会恐惧症的一般谱。这种恐惧的大多数人也遭受了如此相关的特定社会恐惧症stage frightor the fear ofpublic speaking. Some people also experience more generalized social phobia, although many do not.

Some people with certain neurological conditions develop scoptophobia either because they feel that being stared at may trigger an episode, or because they fear that having an episode will cause people to stare. Epilepsy, Tourette's syndrome, autism spectrum disorders, and some movement disorders are among the conditions that could heighten the risk for scoptophobia. People with disfiguring illnesses or injuries may also be more likely to develop this phobia.


If you suffer from the fear of being stared at due to a medical condition, it is important for a mental health professional, in tandem with your doctor, to determine whether, given your particular condition, your fear is excessive and having an unnecessarily negative impact on your life.



When confronting your feared situation, you might blush profusely. Ironically, many people with scoptophobia also suffer fromerythrophobia, or the fear of blushing, making this symptom particularly troublesome. You might also begin to sweat, shake, experience heart palpitations or shallow breathing, and feel unable to collect your thoughts. You might feel a strong need to escape the situation.

Some people with scoptophobia begin to limit their daily activities in a quest to avoid the panic reaction. You might refuse to go out alone or to host people that you do not know well in your home. Over time, untreated scoptophobia sometimes worsens. You might eventually become uncomfortable even in the company of trusted friends or relatives.





Like all phobias, the fear of being stared at responds well to a variety of brief therapy options. Your therapist will work with you to develop a treatment plan that addresses the scoptophobia as well as any concurrent disorders. Depending on the severity of your fear and any underlying issues, your treatment may last as few as three sessions or as long as several months.

Scoptophobia can be life-limiting, gradually forcing sufferers to restrict their daily activities. With hard work and perseverance, though, it can be overcome. The benefits of treatment are well worth the time and energy required to successfully battle this phobia.

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