He is afraid to join in show and tell and becomes easily upset.
What is "normal", what is not?
There are also natural differences between children in terms of how open they are to new experiences.
- "Easy" children are generally adaptable to new situations and people and tend to remain calm and happy.
- "Slow to warm up" children take a little longer to get used to new situations and tend to withdraw at first.
- "Difficult" children are easily upset by new people and situations, have strong emotional reactions and poor ability to adapt.
除了正常的童年恐惧和自然与众不同ces in temperament, some children experience intense and paralyzing fear of new people and places.
Ifyour child has severe social anxiety, she will experience distress when in those situations (such as crying, panicking or clinging) and will try to avoid the situations that cause her fear.
- 遇见陌生人
- 加入一群孩子
- 在全班同学面前讲话
- being dropped off at preschool
- extreme shyness
- 自慰烦恼
- 对幼儿园持消极态度
- onlooking behavior (watches other children but doesn't join in)
Also, pay attention to the stories that your child concocts during imaginative play. Often many of your child's fears will seep into the activities and actions of his imaginary playmates.
Why is it a problem?
You might think that eventually your child will grow out of her shyness. If it is normal childhood fears that she experiences this could be true.
What can be done?
家长们可以做很多事情来建立对焦虑的学龄前儿童的信心。让你的孩子做好准备将使她能够更好地应对生活的挑战。下面只是一个例子few tipsto help you lessen anxiety and better prepare your child for the social demands of her environment.
- 焦虑可以从父母那里学到。尽可能表现出冷静和自信的行为。
- 给你的孩子在新情况出现之前预演的机会。例如,在他必须在全班同学面前讲话之前,在家里练习表演和演讲。
- 不要过于同情。太多的同情会让你的孩子知道有些事情值得害怕,而不是告诉她如何应对。
- 给予温柔的鼓励。Encourage your child to try new things but do not force or coerce.
- 避免过度保护。不要限制你的孩子接触可怕的情况,否则她会学会避免。
- 不要批评。做一个你的孩子可以依靠的有爱心的稳定的父母。
- 看一些关于自信孩子的视频或书籍。Or, point out other children who are confident and talk about what those children do.
- Do not give attention to fearful behaviors.相反,赞美试图面对困难的新情况。
- Be open with teachers/caregivers.Talk to those who look after your child about how best to develop social confidence. Make sure you are all working toward the same goals.
It can be difficult to know how best to help your preschool-aged child who is suffering with social anxiety.
Although you might hope that he will naturally grow out of his fears, taking proactive steps to encourage taking chances and reducing avoidance are key to preventing future problems.
If your child suffers with extreme anxiety that is interfering with daily life, you may wish to consult a mental health professional for a complete diagnosis and treatment plan.