Prozac (fluoxetine) is an approved antidepressant for children ages 8 and older. It is a commonly prescribed medication for children and teens患有主要抑郁症有时双极障碍。
百忧解是最常用的希利之一ctive serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) medications for adults, and it has been shown to also be effective for kids. While it's not advised that Prozac be prescribed to every child with depression, it can be part of a successful treatment plan for some.
在您的孩子开始服用Prozac之前,您可以理解它很重要potential side effects。Have a conversation with your child's doctor and be sure to monitor your child's behavior carefully if they do start taking it.
Common side effects may include:
- 胃口变化(增加或减少)
- Gastrointestinal symptoms (e.g., nausea, upset stomach, diarrhea)
- Headaches
- Restless legs
- 烦躁不安
- 镇静
- 睡眠变化(例如,失眠,嗜睡,生动的梦想,梦魇,睡眠受损)
- Sweating
此外,占用Prozac的小百分比可能显示出增加冲动,搅拌或irritability。这些症状似乎更有可能患有双相情感障碍的儿童那or those who are predisposed to develop it. Be sure to let your child's healthcare provider know if they have ever experienced a manic or hypomanic state, or if there is a family history of bipolar disorder.
- 新的或恶化的焦虑或抑郁症状
- 恐慌攻击(例如,呼吸困难,赛车心跳)
- 协调问题
- Severe agitation or restlessness
- 躁狂症的症状(例如,赛车思想,压力和快速的言论,过度的风险服用)
- Uncontrollable anger orviolence
- Unusual changes in behavior or mood
Increased Thoughts of Suicide
保证特别关注的另一个严重副作用是风险自杀的念头或行为。虽然每个人都必须了解青年时期的自杀意见和自我伤害的重要性,但它更加势不一准when children are taking an SSRI。
Some of the warning signs include an increase in sadness, isolation, panic attacks, or aggressiveness. These may be subtle and lead tothoughts about suicide or dying那suicide attempts那or self-injury.
根据国家心理健康研究所报告的评论,抗抑郁药的益处最有可能超过儿童和青少年的风险,具有主要抑郁和焦虑症。万博手机客户端与所有药物一样,与SSRI开始治疗的决定应仔细称重预期的益处和风险 - 包括药物的潜在副作用。
Generally, it is still preferred that children with depression only use antidepressants as a last resort; therapy remains the first line of defense among treatment options. Although most side effects of Prozac in children are usually mild and temporary, discuss all side effects, regardless of severity, with your child's clinician. As a team, you can work together to figure out the best treatment.