Using Nicotine Gum to Quit Smoking


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Nicotine gum是一种治疗性尼古丁that is designed to help ex-smokers gradually reduce the amount of尼古丁他们习惯于每天接受香烟。



Nicotine gum is sugar-free and should not be swallowed.


Nicotine gum是非处方药。不需要医生的处方。


Nicotine gum comes in the 2mg and 4mg strengths, and all brands offer a mint-flavored gum and a fruit-flavored gum. Additionally, Nicorette has Icy Mint and Cinnamon Surge flavors.

Medicinally, there are no differences between brands, but consumers might prefer the taste of one over another.


Nicotine gum应慢慢咀嚼,直到感觉到轻微的刺痛感,此时应将其停在脸颊和口香糖之间。当刺痛停止时,把口香糖拿出来慢慢咀嚼,一旦刺痛感恢复,再停下来。继续这个过程,直到所有的尼古丁从口香糖中释放出来大约30分钟。

Do not chew nicotine gum fast, don't chew more than one piece at a time, and don't chew it more often than recommended.

Length of Nicotine Gum Therapy

Once the strength of gum is chosen, follow this schedule for chewing gum to reduce nicotine cravings:

  • Weeks 1 to 6, chew one piece every 1 to 2 hours.
  • 第7至9周,每2至4小时咀嚼一片。
  • Weeks 10 to 12, chew one piece every 4 to 8 hours.


  • 减少嚼口香糖的时间。如果你咀嚼30分钟,可以减少到20分钟,然后是15分钟,然后是10分钟,以此类推。
  • 每天用普通的无糖口香糖代替一片尼古丁口香糖。
  • 如果你用4毫克口香糖,换成2毫克口香糖。

Nicotine gum therapy should be completed within three months. If you have trouble stopping nicotine gum therapy, consult your doctor.


Side effects通常与尼古丁口香糖疗法相关的包括:

  • 口腔溃疡
  • Jaw muscle aches
  • 恶心
  • 头痛/头晕

Contact a doctor immediately if any of the following occurs:

  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Seizures
  • Breathing problems
  • Symptoms of nicotine overdose

See a doctor before using nicotine gum if you have:

  • A heart condition or heart disease
  • 血压失控
  • 牙齿状况或紊乱
  • Overactive thyroid
  • 你怀孕或计划怀孕尼古丁可能会伤害胎儿


Signs and Symptoms



  • Dizziness
  • 胃部不适
  • 严重的头痛
  • Vomiting
  • Cold sweats
  • 流口水
  • Confusion
  • 视力模糊
  • 听力问题
  • Weakness or fainting

If you suspect you've had an overdose of nicotine, stop using the nicotine gum or含片马上给你的医生打电话。


Nicotine is poisonous, and nicotine gum may contain enough nicotine to harm children or pets. Store in a safe place and contact Poison Control services in your area in case of an overdose.


Nicotine gum is used on an as-needed basis, and because of this, the potential to abuse this particular quit aid is significant.



While nicotine gum can help you quit smoking, remember that it is a quit aid, not a miracle worker. The recipe for success with smoking cessation lies within, not a product.

Develop your will决心每天戒烟,对自己有耐心。

Time, patience and support will help you win this race. Believe that, believe in yourself, and be willing to do the work it takes to quit for as long as it takes. Do this and you'll find that you can quit smoking, just as others have.

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  1. MedlinePlus.尼古丁口香糖。2017年10月15日。