跑步和行走是缓解抑郁,缓解压力和降低血压的好方法。所以它是有道理的,很多mental health charitiesorganize walks and runs to build a sense of community and promote exercise while also raising money for mental health initiatives.
Whether you're running your first 5K or you're a seasoned runner, here are 10 ways to get involved in a mental health awareness walk or run near you.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) organizesnamiwalks.in more than 100 cities across the United States every year. Nearly 80,000 participants have laced up to raise close to $12 million as well as awareness for the treatment of mental illnesses. Walkers can register online to raise donations to support their walk, participating as individuals, joining a team, or creating a new team. Leashed dogs are allowed to join you on the course, too. While registration is free, fundraising is encouraged.
Out of the Darkness Walks
The美国基金会的自杀预防organizes walks in all 50 states to help fund research, support survivors, promote education, and champion for policy change. More than 250,000 people participate in the walks, which average at three miles. If you signed up solo, look for the designated space for walkers to meet and get to know each other so no one walks alone.
由Adel B. Korkor博士开始五五十五十五座系列takes place in all 50 states across 50 days with a mission to increase awareness, conversation, and action around mental health. Money raised from the series benefits his AB Korkor Foundation, which helps fund research, fill the gaps in affordable mental health care, and prioritizes minorities, veterans, and those coping with addiction. They also host a virtual 5K for World Mental Health Day each October where you run at your own location individually or with friends and family.
The Walk for Mental Health Awareness
休斯顿的心理健康意识步行万博手机客户端hosts an annual 5K that's garnered nearly $200,000 for various mental health organizations in the greater Houston area, like the Schizophrenia and Related Disorders Alliance of America. Rather than having a traditional finish line, the 5K walk/run ends with an "Arch of Breakthrough" to commemorate achievements in recovery. Leashed dogs are welcome to join the course, and there's a Children's Corner with information about youth mental illnesses.
MOM Race
JWB Resiliency 5K & 1-Mile Family Fun Run/Walk
这场比赛由John. W. Brick Mental Health Foundation并在马里兰州德国展览会上举行,包括赠品,儿童区和奖励仪式。从活动中提出的所有资金都会受益于加州大学旧金山大学进行的基金会的研究,分析了如何支持锻炼和健康饮食,可以支持心理健康。万博手机客户端
Walk for Hope
"Every step gives us hope." That's the motto behind the希望旗舰活动的基础,每年在北卡罗来纳州教堂山举行超过30年。他们举办了5千克以及1英里的家庭乐趣奔跑,为北卡罗来纳大学的精神病学家进行了研究,以更好地了解精神疾病的根本原因,并努力擦除围绕它的耻辱。如果您不符合身体活动,您可以为他们的日常节日购买一张票,其中包括音乐,食品,游戏和奖品。
Mental Health Advocacy Capital Walk
享受华盛顿的景点。在中国最着名的地标Mental Health Advocacy Capital Walkthat supports mental health awareness specifically related to强迫症(OCD) and benefits the International OCD Foundation. You can walk the 1.7-mile loop individually, with friends, or create a team. After the race, meet leaders from various mental health nonprofits and learn about the resources they provide.
Find a Local or Virtual Race
Don't feel discouraged if you don't live near a large nationwide race. Use it as an opportunity to find a smaller local 5K or walk in support of mental health awareness in your area. You might even consider joining a virtual race or making a trip out of signing up for a larger race in a destination you've always wanted to visit.
Raise Funds for Still I Run
If you've already signed up for a race but are looking for a charity to raise funds for,Still I Run可能是一个合适的。该组织正在进行一项使命,以改变围绕精神疾病,建立社区,并激发患有抑郁,焦虑和其他疾病的人来应对锻炼的刻板印象。通过为该组织提高资金,您将为他们的外展计划做出贡献,其中包括集团乐趣在加利福尼亚州到马里兰州的国家。