你可能已经知道这个,但你是你工作的好匹配。它让你刺激,但不会被淹没,并且回报值得努力。您可能想搜索这个网站以获得一些优秀的一般万博manbetx是正规公司吗压力管理技巧for when inevitable life stress sets in (see the resources below), but you shouldn't be experiencing any major problems with burnout.
You experience some frustrations with your work that may put you at an increased risk for burnout, and perhaps should look at the areas of your work life that cause you additional stress. You may be able to make some changes that can help you experience more job satisfaction, such as asking for clearer job requirements, better compensation, or more time off. You can also make your lifestyle a greater source of satisfaction by increasing the level of生活方式平衡你的整体生活中有更努力的时间hobbies坚强relationships。(请参阅下面的资源以获取帮助。)