Whether it's a holiday, a special occasion, or a birthday, you may be wondering what to buy for that loved one in your life who has been or is in recovery for a物质使用障碍。询问他们想要的东西可能是有问题的,因为他们要求的礼物可能与他们的物质使用有关,甚至是制造他们的addiction更差。如果他们直接向他们的物质使用障碍直接询问,例如金钱,毒品或毒品用具,它可能会在你想要加强,而不是削弱你的关系时导致冲突。
Share an Experience
Jena Ardell / Moment / Getty Images
Sharing an experience can be a meaningful way of spending time with someone with a substance use disorder.
A different kind of experience might just open them up to seeing that life has a lot to offer.
它可能是一个古怪的东西,如热气球的飞行 - 在提供实验感官体验的餐厅的餐厅中的终极高或类似的东西,例如生食咖啡馆或具有现场音乐的餐厅。远离服务酒精的地方。
Geri Lavrov / Getty Images
Although cash may be used for drugs for those who are not in recovery, you can give money in different forms so it may not be worth the hassle of your loved one trying to convert it to cash in order to buy drugs. Good examples are gift certificates or gift cards, particularly for items you know they need.
You can also pay for something that can't be cashed in but that might enhance their quality of life, such as health insurance, a magazine subscription, or a continuing education program.
药物使用的一个大景点之一就是用手做一些事情。通常有一个程序,甚至是一个ritual, associated with drug use that can leave idle hands uncomfortable.
Little gadgets such as a small, handheld fidget spinner, stress ball, or musical instrument fulfill a similar need. A small puzzle, such as a Rubik's cube can also work.
Realistic Self-Help Resources
自然心灵by Dr. Andrew Weil andFree Rides: How to Get High Without DrugsDouglas Rushkoff和Patrick Wells是一个很好的例子。控制你的饮酒by William Miller and Ricardo Munoz is a great self-help book for cutting down on alcohol.