- 最近的一项研究表明,对于非洲裔美国人的高血压风险的解释可能是歧视的。
- Researchers found that those who faced more discrimination tended to be more likely to develop hypertension.
- 围绕高血压的种族差异在医疗领域的讨论中促进了关于如何解决种族差异的讨论。
与美国其他种族和族群相比,非洲裔美国人的风险较高,以及在期刊上发表的一项新研究Hypertensionin 2020 suggests one possible explanation for the disparity is discrimination in multiple forms.
研究人员观察了数据从杰克逊的心脏Study on 1,845 African Americans aged 21 to 85. Participants didn't have hypertension—also known as high blood pressure—at the start of the study period, about 20 years ago. But in two follow-up visits conducted over 13 years, just over half of them (52%) had developed hypertension, a staggering number.
Comparing this prevalence with incidents of reported discrimination—including specific daily incidents and lifelong discrimination—researchers found that those who had more stress from discrimination tended to have a higher risk of developing hypertension.
这不一定是对该领域中的那些人的惊人发现,因为在文献和医生体验中都有高血压率,所以说Hyagriv Simhan.,MD,匹兹堡的Magee-Womens研究所。他说,歧视,尤其是持续和终身,肯定会对慢性水平提高压力,这是可以导致高血压的慢性水平。
The potential factors, like discrimination, among races when it comes to hypertension are being increasingly discussed in the medical world.
For example, the American College of Cardiology recently published an expert analysis on the topic of racial disparities in hypertension prevalence and management, offering guidance on the topic to cardiologists and other physicians.
- Substandard insurance coverage
- 不得不获得医疗保健
- Lower rates of medication adherence
- 疾病过程的潜在差异
- 血压控制的差异
Getting to the root of this issue is essential for better health since hypertension can bring significant risks, especially if it's uncontrolled.
- Heart attack or stroke
- 动脉瘤
- Heart failure
- 代谢综合征
- 肾脏弱化血管
- Vision issues
Hypertension is not the only condition that is likely affected by discrimination and resulting in potential disparities when it comes to health outcomes based on race. In fact, evidence shows that Black people have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19.
For example, according to a 2019 report inClinical Obstetrics and Gynecology,Black women are three to four times more likely to die a pregnancy-related death compared to white women.此差距,该报告增加了一个世纪以来的差异,并在过去的100年里实际扩大了。美洲印第安人和阿拉斯加本地女性也有更高的妊娠病死亡率,疾病控制的中心发现,与白人女性相比,疾病控制的中心可能存在危险的可能性。
已经知道了这类差异一段时间,但系统性转型一直难以捉摸。然而,由于这种巨大的重点关注社会正义黑色生命物质运动,最终有可能改变,相信Naomi Torres-Mackie, PhD, a social justice-focused psychology clinician at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York.
Naomi Torres-Mackie, PhD
We are now seeing conversations happening that have been needed for a long time, but were never broached. As this happens, institutions are taking a hard look at what kind of changes they need to make to adapt, and discrimination's effect is a big part of that. We're talking about these kind of disparities, but more important, about why they occur and how to prevent them.
One of the biggest challenges when it comes to addressing hypertension is screening, according toKaren Craddock,博士,施工心理学家和Wellesley Centors为女性的访问学者。
如果那些Bipoc认为他们会在检查访问中受到歧视,或者在讨论与医疗保健专业人员的疑虑时,她说,他们将不太可能被筛选。这不仅仅是伴有心血管问题,还具有任何健康筛查 - 糖尿病,心理健康,慢性疼痛或其他条件。万博手机客户端
But it's vital to get this type of checkup. And keep in mind that, as Torres-Mackie notes, the atmosphere is shifting. Change is never swift, especially in a behemoth like the healthcare system, but these topics are being addressed at long last.