I am very worried since he is all skin and bones and seems to be very happy about the weight loss. He says he can't get skinny enough. What can I do? All of his relatives keep telling him that he is now "too skinny," including his pediatrician. He only eats healthy foods, but maybe not enough. How can I get him to gain some weight back? Isn't 117 pounds too thin? Meryl, Brooklyn, NY
Eating disorders are common though and many people believe that they have reached epidemic levels. By some estimates, about 5% of women and 1% of men suffer from an eating disorder, such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia. And since most of these eating disorders began in the teen years (76% between age 11-20 and 10% in children less than 10 years of age), parents and pediatricians should learn how to recognize, prevent, and treat children with eating disorders.
Could your child have an eating disorder?
Is he that tall? Since you describe him as being so skinny, he may very well be...
- 仍然继续减肥,即使他现在'太瘦了'
- Has an obsession with his weight
- 所有的时间练习
- May not be eating enough food and getting enough calories
Although some of what you mention might be normal, especially that he wants to exercise, eat healthy foods, and be a 'health nut,' the fact that he feels that 'he can't get skinny enough' should probably be considered a big warning sign.
In general, you might suspect that a child has an eating disorder if they have any of the following classic symptoms, such as:
- 体重体重,减肥,或通常不等。请记住,即使是健康体重的儿童也可以享受饮食障碍,这取决于他们正在做的重量。孩子们甚至可以超重,患有饮食障碍。
- 强烈地担心获得体重或变胖,特别是如果您的孩子体重不足
- Having a disturbed body image, meaning that your child thinks that he or she is overweight, even though they are really underweight or at a healthy weight.
- Episodes of binge eating
- Trying to prevent weight gain by performing self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, diuretics, enemas, or other medications, fasting, or excessive exercise.
- 拒绝吃和不断节食
- Broken blood vessels in the eyes
- Development of food rituals
- Disappearing after meals (perhaps to vomit)
- 戏剧性的体重波动
- Exercising compulsively
- Excessive facial hair
- 脱发
- Mood swings
- 不想在其他人身边吃饭
- Perfectionist-type personality, or if a teen, high achiever in school
- 拒绝吃某些食物
- 对寒冷的敏感性
- Skipping meals
- Swollen salivary glands
- Taking OTC or natural weight-loss medications
- Tooth decay
- Wearing loose clothing to hide weight loss
- Withdrawn behavior
Screening for an Eating Disorder
If you spot some of the early warning signs of an eating disorder in your child, you might ask some screening questions to get more information. According to the National Eating Disorders Screening Program, these include:
- 你害怕超重吗?
- 你有没有在吃繁灵的地方,你觉得你可能无法停止?
- Do you feel extremely guilty after eating?
- Do you vomit or have the impulse to vomit after meals?
- Do you feel that food controls your life?
- 您认为自己是什么权衡?
- 你曾经曾有哪些?那你有多高?那是什么时候?
- What is the least you ever weighed in the past year? How tall were you then? When was that?
- 运动:多少,经常,强度水平?如果你错过了锻炼,你有多强调?
令人惊讶的是大多数医生和父母,有许多组织和网站实际倡导或鼓励青少年吃患者并变得厌食症。这些包括Pro-Anorexia(Pro-Ana)和Pro Bulimia(Pro-Mia)网站,包括包括模型和名人的图片,这些图片和名人看起来非常薄(超薄的Celebs),减肥的尖端和隐藏其饮食失调的提示,名单“安全食品”没有许多卡路里和食物,这些食品可以增加你的新陈代谢(如芹菜和绿茶),论坛和聊天室与其他'Pro-Rexies'交谈。
- Does your teen know what a pro-ana or mia is?
- Does she know who the 'dragonflies' are (a large community of pro-anas)?
- Is she trying to be an ana or mia?
- 他或她是否参观过任何饮食失调(Pro ED)网站?
- 他或她是否有ANA期刊或日记?
- 他或她开始穿着一个红色的手镯作为“与其他ANAS的团结”的“东西”?
- 你的孩子是否明白厌食症不是选择,而不是瘾?
A Word From Verywell
试图弄清楚你的孩子/青少年是否有饮食失调可能是非常紧张的,但有资源可以帮助支持你和seek treatment on their behalf。如果您怀疑您的孩子有一种饮食障碍,那么迅速行动很重要。首先预约与孩子的儿科医生一起预约,他们可以帮助检测饮食失调的早期迹象,并防止它进展。
Many parents benefit from the support of other parents with children with eating disorders. Good support resources for parents include NEDA’s Parent, Family & Friends Network(PFN)and theF.E.A.S.T.'s Around the Dinner Table Forum。还有一些Facebook组,包括International Eating Disorder Family Support。
为了更多的心理健康万博手机客户端资源,看看我们的National Helpline Database。