您需要了解Vaping THC油


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随着越来越多的states legalizemarijuanaand cannabis plants, people—especially young adults and teens—are starting to become curious about what products are available to them. Additionally, many are experimenting withv这些产品通常以THC油和CBD油的形式。但是,重要的是要注意,CBD油和THC油以完全不同的方式影响身体。


Both CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) are the most common cannabinoids found in cannabis products. And even though they are both found in marijuana and hemp, THC is more prevalent in the marijuana plant than it is in the cannabis plant.





娱乐使用包含THC的大麻,现在是11个州的合法。但食品和药物管理局尚未批准使用THC,并在美国法律下仍然是违法行为。尽管如此,人们仍然可以通过吸烟,更频繁地尝试这种药物,吃它, or vaping it.

Marijuana use, and more specifically vaping THC oil, is on the rise according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. In fact, more than 11.8 million young adults used marijuana in the last year. Meanwhile, the number of teens in 8th and 10th grades who say they use it daily also has increased. Additionally, nearly 4% of 12th graders say they vape THC daily.

vTHC oil involves heating the oil and inhaling it through a vaporizing device like a vape pen or an e-cigarette. Some people believe that vaping THC oil is safer than smoking because it doesn't involve inhaling smoke. But the issue is that vaping hasn't been around long enough and there isn't enough research to really determine whether or not it's safer.

Recent research suggests that vaping THC oil, especially oil that contains vitamin E acetate, can be particularly harmful to your lungs. Vitamin E acetate, which is regularly added to THC when preparing it for use in电子香烟和Vapi​​ng设备,在吸入时特别有害。



Consequently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended that people avoid using e-cigarettes and vaping products, particularly those that contain THC oil. Even just vaping the oil once can significantly impact your lungs.

事实上,一项出现在的研究Journal of the American Medical Associationfound that first-time and infrequent users of marijuana were more likely to experience adverse reactions from vaping THC oil. They indicated that these negative impacts were largely due to the enhanced delivery of the oil through vaping. The participants in the study also had more pronounced effects from the drug and experienced significant impacts to their motor skills and cognitive abilities.


Ultimately, vaping THC oil can lead to a substance use disorder. In fact, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, between 9% and 30% of people who use marijuana develop some sort of substance use disorder. And, people who begin using marijuana before they turn 18 are four to seven times more likely than adults to develop a marijuana use disorder.


If you're considering vaping THC oil, you might want to reconsider given the fact that it can have such a negative impact on your lungs. Vaping THC oil can lead to a substance use disorder, which in severe cases can become an addiction.

如果您或亲人正在努力使用物质使用或成瘾,请联系Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline在1-800-662-4357,有关您所在地区的支持和治疗设施的信息。

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  1. 国家药物滥用研究所。大麻药物事实。Updated December 2019.

  2. 疾病预防与控制中心。Outbreak of lung injury associated with the use of e-cigarette or vaping products。Updated February 25, 2020.

  3. Spindle TR, Cone EJ, Schlienz NJ, et al.烟熏和蒸发大麻在高频繁使用大麻的健康成年人中的急性作用:交叉试用Jama Netw开放。2018;1(7):e184841.

  4. Budney AJ, Sargent JD, Lee DC.vcannabis (marijuana): parallel concerns to e-cigs。2015;110(11):1699-704.

  5. 盖洛普民意调查。Americans say marijuana, vaping less harmful than tobacco

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