People who are strong invisual-spatial intelligence善于把事物形象化。这些人通常擅长指路以及地图、图表、视频和图片。
Some of your strengths include:
- 拼图
- 解读图片、图表
- 绘画与视觉艺术
- 很容易识别模式
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People who are strong in语言言语智能无论是写作还是口语,都能很好地使用单词。这些人通常非常擅长写故事、记忆信息和阅读。当他们读或听信息时,他们往往学得最好,并且经常喜欢辩论或发表有说服力的演讲。
Your strengths include:
- Remembering written and spoken information
- Reading and writing
- 辩论或发表有说服力的演说
- 把事情解释清楚
- 讲故事时使用幽默
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People who are strong inlogical-mathematical intelligence善于推理、识别模式和逻辑分析问题。这些人倾向于从概念上思考数字、关系和模式。
Your strengths include:
- 解决问题
- 思考抽象的想法
- Conducting scientific experiments
- 解决复杂计算
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Those who have high身体动觉智能are said to be good at body movement, performing actions and physical control. People who are strong in this area tend to have excellent hand-eye coordination and dexterity.
Your strengths:
- 跳舞和运动
- 用手创造东西
- Physical coordination
- Remembering by doing, rather than hearing or seeing
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有坚强意志的人musical intelligenceare good and thinking in patterns, rhythms and sounds. They have a strong appreciation for music and are often good at musical composition and performance.
Your strengths include:
- Singing and playing musical instruments
- 轻松识别音乐模式和音调
- Remembering songs and melodies
- 了解音乐结构、节奏和音符
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有坚强意志的人interpersonal intelligenceare good at understanding and interacting with other people. These individuals are skilled at assessing the emotions, motivations, desires and intentions of those around them.
Your strengths include:
- 口头交流
- 非言语交际
- 从不同的角度看到的情况
- Fostering positive relationships with others
- 解决小组冲突
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在工作中表现突出的个人intrapersonal intelligenceare good at being aware of their own emotional states, feelings and motivations. They tend to enjoy self-reflection and analysis, including daydreaming, exploring relationships with others and assessing their personal strengths.
Your strengths include:
- 分析自己的优势和劣势
- 分析理论和想法
- 杰出的self-awareness
- 清楚地了解你自己动机和感受的基础
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Your strengths include:
- 对植物学、生物学和动物学等学科有很强的兴趣
- Categorizing and cataloging information easily
- 可能喜欢野营、园艺、徒步旅行和户外探险
- 将外部话题与自然联系起来
THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical consultation, diagnosis or treatment.