
Female checking kilogrammes getting on the scale - self care and body positivity concept - warm flare on left

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It is well known that obesity is associated with a myriad of health consequences including type 2 diabetes, several forms of cancer, and obstructive sleep apnea. The prevalence of obesity is responsible for the prediction by health experts that, for the first time in history, the average life span of Americans could be trending downward.

What is less well understood and discussed are the social and psychological burdens of being obese. Studies suggest that this is another marginalized and stigmatized population.


Obesity and Mental Health


更具体地,具有肥胖的人更有可能符合标准暴饮暴食症, night eating syndrome, and emotional eating. Obesity also increases the likelihood of depression by five times compared to average-weight persons. Anxiety, particularly social anxiety, occurs in 9% of those seeking treatment for obesity.

These conditions tend to be significantly more common among women with obesity. This is likely due to the societal emphasis on thinness and physical appearance for women in many cultures. Women with obesity are more likely to endorse suicidal thoughts and attempt suicide compared to those of normal weight.


Furthermore, there is evidence that the chronic burden of living in a culture that rejects the overweight body type is associated with an increase in the stress and inflammation hormone known ascortisol。这是高于和超出过量重量的已知代谢效果。

换句话说,有一个已知infla增加mmation associated with being obese. Then on top of that, the emotional burden of obesity increases inflammation and cortisol levels.

Weight-Related Stigma

Ironically, there is evidence that as the prevalence of overweight and obesity rise, bias and prejudice against people with obesity also increases. Weight-related stigma in the U.S. is well-documented.

Weight-related campaigns that emphasize personal responsibility can also actually alienate their target audience. They may have the reverse psychological effect of increasing behaviors that contribute to obesity, such as binge eating and exercise avoidance.

Among Americans, weight discrimination is reported at rates similar to racial discrimination, particularly among women.

几项研究表明,即使儿童也会感知体重过剩,因为懒惰,没有吸引力,疏忽或缺乏自我控制。Some obese individuals may internalize these ideas and self-stigmatize. Absorbing this negative messaging from media or the social environment can have a detrimental effect on self-esteem and self-efficacy.




Obesity Stigma Among Children



Overweight Children Are Seen as Less Popular


These findings were most evident among non-Hispanic, White women, which is a finding that holds true across multiple surveys looking at this issue.

Weight Bias in Healthcare


Many people who are obese report that, in the healthcare setting, any and all of their physical complaints are seen as a product of their weight. As a result, they do not feel taken seriously. Their experience is best described as a doctor not being able to see past their weight and attributing any and all of their presenting symptoms to their size.











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  1. Sarwer DB, Polonsky HM.肥胖的心理社会负担内科素Metab Clin。2016;45(3):677-688. doi:10.1016/j.ecl.2016.04.016

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