时代已经改变了。在20世纪70年代,20世纪80年代,甚至是20世纪90年代,幼儿的父母吸烟并不少见喝含酒精饮料周围。虽然一些还在做,很多年轻的爸爸rents choose not to drink or smoke at all, and rightly so. Recognition of the health harms of二手烟关于婴儿和儿童,对角色模型对未来行为的影响的认识使年轻的父母劝阻饮酒和吸烟。
Hard though it is to understand, even some of those who have been diagnosed with serious illnesses, including conditions directly related to smoking and drinking, refuse to change their behavior concerning these substances. Yet it can be difficult for younger parents to confront their own parents, or even ask them not to drink or smoke around their grandchildren, for fear of offending or angering their parents.
The Need for Boundaries
Settingboundarieswith parents are difficult for the adult children of people with all kinds of addictions.
The roles are reversed when you set boundaries around your parents' behavior. Setting boundaries around parents smoking are particularly difficult, because smokers cling to their "right" to smoke while exposing your child to increased risks of smoking themselves, and of the health risks of secondhand and third-hand smoke.
为你的父母找借口几乎不起作用。孩子们can sense their parents' discomfort, and it can be difficult to explain away your parents' behavior to your children, or even to回答他们对他们祖父母的行为的问题以一种感觉诚实和信息的方式。允许这些行为继续导致家庭中的裂谷,最终可能会影响你对孩子的感受,他们对他们的祖父母共度时光。
As an adult child, you are no longer obliged to follow your parents' instructions or to tolerate their unacceptable behavior. As a parent, you have a责任保护自己的孩子免受烟雾的有害影响,看到一个有影响力的成年人,他们的祖父母,吸烟或饮酒。因此,您必须与父母吸烟设定边界以保护您的孩子。
When to Set Boundaries
Before you assert yourself with your parents, It is helpful to get clear on exactly what you find unacceptable, the reasons for this, and what you would like your parents to do instead.
You are neglecting to protect your child if you allow them to be with someone abusive, even if you love that person and believe they should spend time together.
同样,您不应该让您的孩子与使用的祖父母共度时光illicit drugs. Doing so exposes your child to the modeling of drug using behavior, making it more likely your child will use drugs him or herself. Children can also be harmed by accidentally or experimentally using drugs themselves, which they may be able to do if they are in an environment where drugs are taken. They can also be hurt or infected by paraphernalia such as lighters and needles.
Choosing a Safe Location to Meet
You may find that your parent is more respectful of your boundaries in your home than in their own home or in some public places more than others. Choose your meeting locations accordingly, and don't give in to pressure from your parent to come to them, only to have them smoke around you and your child because it is "my house, my rules."
You can also involve your child in deciding where they are going to meet their grandparents, by giving them two or more options of safe locations, from which they can choose.
That way, when you communicate the location of choice, you can explain to your parent that the activity was something your child has specifically asked to do with their grandparent. This can be an effective way of keeping your child away from your parents' bad influence, while at the same time, encouraging them to develop a close relationship.
How to Set Boundaries
When setting boundaries with your parent, start with the most gentle boundary setting, and work up to more assertive and rigid boundaries only if your initial efforts fail.
First attempt:Ask your parent not to smoke or drink in front of your child (or in front of you if it bothers you). If your first attempt is successful, and your parent does not smoke or drink in front of you or your child, you don't need to set any further boundaries.
Follow up with a frank discussion with your parent, perhaps on the phone, about how important it is to avoid exposing your child to secondhand smoke, or to alcohol, and suggest trying to work out an agreement whereby they can refrain from smoking or drinking during a specified period of time, or in a situation that will allow your parent to take a "smoke break" away from your child. But remember, third-hand smoke—which refers to the particles and gases that are left over after a cigarette is extinguished and remain on virtually any surface in an area where someone has smoked—also carries risks to your child.
Final attempt:If your parent continues to smoke or drink in front of your child, or engages in manipulations to pressurize you into tolerating them smoking or drinking, I would suggest you limit physical contact between your parent and your child. This might seem harsh and may be distressing for both of them, but it sends a clear message about the importance of this issue.
What it boils down to is how much your parent values time with their grandchild—if they care about spending time with your child, they will quit or at least restrain their smoking. In spite of what your parent may say, they are fully capable of functioning without smoking or drinking, even if it is for a brief period of time, such as an hour or two, which is typically as long as most young children will want to be engaging in an activity.
如果您的父母对尼古丁沉迷了,他们可以使用尼古丁替代品during the time they are with your children, such as nicotine gum or a nicotine patch. And if they are unable to function for a short period during the day without alcohol, it is likely that they have a very serious problem with alcohol.
It can be hard to stand up to your parents. You don't want to embarrass them, nor do you want to provoke an argument, particularly one you can't win. However, it is worth persevering to find a way to bring your parents and children together for the sake of their relationship, without exposing your children to their harmful influence.