A Biography of Lev Vygotsky, One of the Most Influential Psychologists

Vygotsky died young, but had an important influence on psychology

Psychologist Lev Vygotsky


Lev Vygotsky是一个最闻名的俄罗斯心理学家社会文化理论。He believed that social interaction plays a critical role in children's learning.


Vygotsky's Early Life

Lev Vygotsky was born November 17, 1896, in Orsha, a city in the western region of the Russian Empire.


He completed a dissertation in 1925 on the psychology of art but was awarded his degree in absentia due to an acute tuberculosis relapse that left him incapacitated for a year.

Following his illness, Vygotsky began researching topics such as language, attention, and memory with the help of students, including Alexei Leontiev and Alexander Luria.

Vygotsky's Career and Theories

Vygotsky was a prolific writer, publishing six books on psychology topics over a ten-year period. His interests were diverse but often centered on issues of child development and education. He also explored the psychology of art and language development.


根据Vygotsky的说法,近端发展区域是“实际发展水平之间的距离,由独立问题解决以及通过在成人指导下或与更有能力的同龄人协作确定的问题解决的潜在发展水平。”(Lev Vygotsky,在社会中,1978)。

The "zone" is the gap between what a child knows and what they do not yet know.

Acquiring the missing information requires skills that a child does not yet possess or cannot do independently, but which they能够在更知识渊博的其他人的帮助下做。




Kids also learn a great deal from their interactions with their peers. Children often pay more attention to what friends and classmates know and are doing then they do to the adults in their life.

No matter who serves as the more knowledgeable other, the key is that they provide the needed social instruction within the zone of proximal development (when the learner is sensitive to guidance).


Sociocultural Theory

Lev Vygotsky还建议人类发展results from a dynamic interaction between individuals and society. Through this interaction, children learn gradually and continuously from parents and teachers.

However, this learning varies from one culture to the next. It's important to note that Vygotsky's theory emphasizes the dynamic nature of this interaction. Society does not just impact people; people also affect their society.

Contributions to Psychology


While he was a contemporary ofSkinner.,Pavlov,弗洛伊德, 和Piaget,Vygotsky的工作在他的一生中从未达到过他们的身份水平。


尽管如此,自从他的死亡以来,Vygotsky的工作继续影响 - 特别是在发展领域和教育心理学万博maxbetx官网登陆

It wasn't until the 1970s that Vygotsky's theories became known in the West as new concepts and ideas were introduced in the fields of educational anddevelopmental psychology


In a ranking of eminent psychologists, Vygotsky was identified as the 83rd most influential psychologist during the 20th century.

Vygotsky vs. piaget.


  • 随着Piaget所做的,Vygotsky并没有将开发分解为一系列预定阶段。
  • Vygotsky stressed the important role that culture plays, suggesting cultural differences can have a dramatic effect on development. Piaget’s theory suggests that development is largely universal.
  • 皮亚杰的理论集中了大量的关注on peer interaction while Vygotsky’s theory stresses the importance of more knowledgeable adults and peers.
  • Vygotsky的理论大力强调了语言在发展中发挥的作用,皮亚杰在很大程度上被忽视了。

In His Own Words

“学习不仅仅是获取思考的能力;它是收购许多思考各种事物的专业能力。” - Lev Vygotsky,在社会中,1978年

Selected Publications

Vygotsky LS.心灵在社会中:发展更高的心理过程。Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; 1978.

Vygotsky LS.Thought and Language。Kozulin A, trans. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press; 1986. (Original work published in 1934)

Vygotsky LS.Thinking and Speech。minick n,trans。纽约:全部媒体;1987年(原创作品于1934年发布)

If you're interested in reading some of Vygotsky's works, many of his writings are available in full-text format at theVygotsky互联网档案

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  1. Haggbloom SJ, Warnick JE, Jones VK, et al.The 100 most eminent psychologists of the 20th centuryReview of General Psychology。2002; 6(2):139-152。DOI:10.1037 / 1089-2680.6.2.139

  • Vygotsky LS.Thought and Language。Kozulin A, trans. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press; 1986. (Original work published in 1934)

  • Woolfolk AE。教育心理学万博maxbetx官网登陆(第14届)。皮尔森;2019年。