You go for a browse around the shops and come back with stuff you didn't think you wanted, and a depleted bank account. How does this happen? Somehow, advertising tricks are making you buy things you never intended to buy.
虽然部分问题是由您自己引起的对购物的态度, some of the blame lies with advertisers, who feed yourshopping addiction随着操纵营销。以下是用于触发的最常见的广告技巧五个冲动性购买—know them and keep your spending under control.
Peter_lau / Getty Images
Today Only!!! For a Limited Time!!! While Stocks Last!!!
Time limits are one of the most common advertising tricks to triggeroverspending. This strategy is designed to create feelings of panic, that if you don't buy now, you will miss your chance. This is actually quite unlikely unless the object of your desire is becoming obsolete or going out of style, in which case, you may be better off getting the next model. As long as it is in demand, the price will more likely go down, not up.
任何时候你觉得加压时间限制到buy, slow down. Reflect on whetheryou really want or need it,以及您是否已经在家中拥有一个。最后,除非你改变主意,否则不要购买它。
Must Haves
广告商变得如此大胆,他们现在决定了我们必须拥有的东西。真?问自己,如果你没有它会发生什么。您可能已经拥有或访问类似的东西。通过这种策略,广告商对我们想要配备的必需品感吸引力 - 然而,这种方式的大多数物品远非必不可少。
Ask yourself if you really need this item, whether something you already own will suffice, or whether you would like to consider other options. Don't just blindly slap down your plastic because someone says you must.
Discounts on Multiples
Buy One, Get the Second 50% Off!!! Buy Two, Get the Third Free!!! Buy Four or More at the Special Price of...
Let's say the deal is on shirts for $30 each. You buy one, you spend $30. If you buy one and get one half-off, you think you're only spending $15, but you've actually spent $45. And if you need to buy two to get the third free, you've actually spent $60. Did you really want three similar shirts anyway? Chances are, you have plenty of shirts already and needed one more at the most.
你可能已经获得了更好的折扣等待,直到他们在销售50%off of off off off,然后你不必购买比你需要的更多。当然,当他们开始销售时,他们可能不再看起来非常诱人,但如果你在倍数上折扣,你可能仍然有一个或两个挂在衣柜里的标签。如果你退回他们,你会丧失折扣。毕竟不是那么好的交易。
Decide how many you really need, and when you need them. Will you have to store the excess in the meantime? Is there a chance the spares could spoil, deteriorate, or go out of style over time? Also, make sure the discounted price isn't a minuscule saving compared to the hassle of buying multiples.
Mail-in Rebate! Spend $50 Now, Get $25 Off Your Next Purchase!
要收取退款,您通常必须完成复杂的在线或邮件过程。您可能会发现一些分钟详细信息 - 购买日期,您的年龄,您的位置等 - 使您的特定案例中的折扣无效。收集回扣可能是耗时的,需求您宁愿披露的个人信息,并且可能要求您在收集折扣之前花更多的钱。很多时间和精力,如果您只需追回折扣,您可能甚至不希望原始购买。
Rebate Tips
Don't buy anything with a rebate unless you wanted that exact item anyway, and were willing to pay full price for it—which you probably will anyway. Check that the discount off your next purchase doesn't require you to spend such a large amount in such a short period of time that you will never collect on it. And never be fooled into a rebate involving calling a phone number to claim it—these are a well-known scam which you will pay for via your phone bill.