How to Stop Overspending


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花钱是现代生活的一部分。由于支出不能放弃冷酷的火鸡,因此有一个人可能会特别困难购物成瘾在他们继续购买必需品的同时获得有害的购物行为。更糟糕的是,虽然DSM-5是第一个识别赌博障碍等行为上瘾的人,compulsive shopping目前尚未被认为是一种独特的病症。然而,它确实出现在上下文中作为其他心理健康问题的症状,例如万博手机客户端bipolar disorder


If you feel that your shopping is out of control, consider seeing your doctor to rule out a treatable medical condition. If you have a true shopping addiction, you will not only be intensely preoccupied with buying and shopping, but you will feel euphoria or relief after making a purchase, followed later on by guilt and shame. You may also grow very anxious before making a purchase.

Cover Your Living Expenses First

It doesn't matter whether you are scraping by on a skimpy paycheck or living a life of luxury. Before you spend on any nonessential purchases, pay your monthly bills like rent, electricity, and groceries. If there are any non-essentials you take for granted, such as phone, internet, and travel expenses, pay for them upfront, too.



超支最常见的燃料是信用卡。它快速且易于使用,因此您可以轻松制作impulse buy没有立即后果。随着“立即购买,稍后支付”概念,您可以在下个月以及本月耗尽您的银行账户。为避免信用陷阱,尝试只需要在每次购物之旅中舒适地带来花费的现金。使用现金作为预算的物理提醒,并坚持下去。

明确ing your credit card debt and ditching your credit cards will also help improve your credit rating, which can have an impact on far more than your future access to credit.

Keep Track of Your Spending

Start by making a spending plan, then try to stick to it. If you have a tendency to spend any money left over after covering what is included in your spending plan, start to make note of what you overspend on. If it is non-essential (such as extra clothing, shoes or other accessories, or electronics), give yourself a limit. Determine how much you can reasonably afford, in terms of money, storage, and emotional cost. Keep all of your receipts.

如果您发现您在不必要的购买上过分了,请退回您可以的内容。对于任何你无法承受的东西,都无法收回,放弃其前身。例如,如果你只是必须have those designer shoes you found for $100, donate the scuffed pair to charity. You won't be overwhelmed by so many items in your closet, and you will be more likely to actually use what you buy.

Don't Be Lured by Discounts

shopaholics.are prone to be tempted by discounts, which appear to offer a way you can have your cake and eat it, too. You may even feel like you are saving money by spending on something with a discount. In reality, you're still going to be out of pocket.

每次由一个诱惑apparent bargain, ask yourself, "Do I need it?" and "Is it worth full price?" Only consider the purchase if the answer is yes to both questions.

一个Word From Verywell


If you've tried following these steps and are still struggling, you may want to consider joining a group that offers help. Debtors Anonymous offers support groups and various resources for those who struggle to cope with unmanageable debt but can't seem to stop spending.

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