Are You Tired of Your Troubled Teen?

Self-care is important for any parent

Woman sitting on step with phone in hand looking exhausted or sad

Francesco Carta Fotografo /时刻/盖蒂图像


无论您是处理宵禁违规行为和逃学,还是担心药物滥用问题和法律问题,担心一个陷入困境的青少年可以让您留在晚上。你可能会厌倦处理behavior problems, 情绪波动,愤怒的爆发或秘密行为。

Parents of troubled teens have to learn ways to juggle the needs of their teen with their own needs. Exhausted parents have to find ways to replenish themselves, which often falls by the wayside when trying to deal with a high-risk adolescent.


Admit Without Guilt




Schedule Time to Take Care of Yourself


And make sure you schedule time for leisure activities. Whether you grab a cup of coffee with a friend or you sign up for a class that you'd like to take, set aside some time for things you like to do.





It's like being coached, supported, educated and cared about by other parents in the same boat. Other parents who are raising troubled teens will understand the stress you feel and talking to them can be quite helpful.

Practice Mindfulness Skills

It may find it's tempting to rehash all the things that went wrong yesterday or worry about all the things that could go wrong tomorrow. But overthinking won't help.

学习谨慎技巧so you can be in the here-and-now. Mindfulness skills can quiet your brain and help you gain a sense of calm, even in the midst of chaos.


Perhaps exercise is the last thing you think of when you're exhausted but moving your body is energizing. It also keeps you healthy and will help you think more clearly.


It's also important to make sure you get enough sleep. Staying up too late and getting run down will only compound your issues.

Seek Professional Help

Don't hesitate to talk to a mental health professional. Speaking to a therapist can help you find coping strategies and stress management techniques.



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  • Miller CJ, Brooker B. Mindfulness programming for parents and teachers of children with ADHD.临床实践中的互补疗法。2017; 28:108-115。