And with topics ranging from anxiety and depression to grieving, addiction, and weight control, there’s a good chance you’ll find the right podcast that fits your needs. And the best part? We’ve done the digging for you! All you have to do is grab a pair of headphones or turn up the volume in your car, and get ready to learn from some of the best self-help podcasts.
The Joy of Procrastination
什么if procrastination could be reframed as something positive that would help you get more done in life? Well, that’s exactly what Dean Jackson and Dan Sullivan try to accomplish each time they hostThe Joy of Procrastinationpodcast. By removing the shame associated with procrastination, Jackson and Sullivan help listeners take develop tools for using procrastination in a positive way.
超越the To-Do List
如果拖延是让您富有成效,那么超越the To-Do List是给你的。主持人埃里克·费舍尔与客人就生产力的各个方面进行了交谈,以达到过上有意义生活的最终目标。在每一集中,他都会深入探讨为什么我们在工作和生活中没有达到目标,以及我们如何实施生产力战略,从而摆脱困境,向前迈进。
焦虑和抑郁是美国最常见的心理健康状况,焦虑影响超过万博手机客户端每年有4000万人成年人。尽管大量的感染者ental health issues, it’s not uncommon for many of us to feel isolated and alone. To help feel more connected and less alone, consider listening to one of these self-help podcasts.
心理学家,也是铁杆自助播客,Robert Duff博士知道关于生活和治疗心理健康状况的一两件事。万博手机客户端他还知道如何回答有关焦虑,抑郁,关系,性别,性别,完美主义,PTSD,饮食障碍的问题,无数其他主题而不让听众解散所有精神病宫和医学行话,以了解他正在谈论的内容。此外,由于他周四去生活,您可以每周约会与达夫的日期。
Not Another Anxiety Show
“所有人的播客”是主题Kelli Walker如何描述的Not Another Anxiety Show。虽然不是心理健康专家自己万博手机客户端,但是沃克做了面试心理学家,医生和其他专家的一流工作,以给予倾听指导和管理与焦虑谱的所有目的一起居住的日常斗争。
Licensed psychologist Dr. Janean Anderson not only knows how to treat eating disorders, but she also knows firsthand what it’s like to live with and recover from anorexia. Twice a month, she hosts饮食失调恢复播客,where she covers the psychology of eating disorders, what the recovery process looks like, and how the cultural context of eating disorders impacts recovery. Through personal stories and insight from expert guests, Anderson helps listeners unpack and begin to understand the seriousness and complexity of eating disorders.
Nora McInerny shares her personal stories of loss, and there are several, along with countless stories from others in her podcast太糟糕了,谢谢你的邀请。Each episode, McInerny interviews guests and explores issues around emotions, trauma, loss, mental health, and finding community, hope, and happiness after grieving.
悲伤大声说出来解决许多人在与他人讨论悲伤时面临的挑战。由Jana DeCristofaro主持,这个播客来自Dougy中心的悲伤儿童和家庭,专门研究悲伤和失去。DeCristofaro通过丧亲专业人士的专家提示和她采访的真实人物的个人故事,使人们意识到谈论悲伤的重要性。
We all know people that have “made it” in life, despite obstacles or major changes that might have prevented them from achieving their goals. What most of these people have in common is a desire to tackle major life changes with the mindset that growth will occur regardless of the outcome.它需要什么分享一些最著名的梦想家和领导者的不屈不挠的故事。
The Tony Robbins Podcast
“Why live an ordinary life, when you can live an extraordinary one?” This is undoubtedly the most famous line from life and business strategist Tony Robbins. It’s also the foundation from which he has builtThe Tony Robbins Podcast,每周表现出来解决与业务,健康,财务,关系等相关的主要生活变化。通过来自世界上一些最具影响力的人的访谈和故事,罗宾斯为听众提供了验证的策略和策略,了解如何帮助您的最佳生活。
减肥和保持体重需要节食和锻炼。不幸的是,这是我们很多人都在努力解决的问题的饮食部分。好消息是什么?每周三,你都可以在网上获得关于食物、健康和营养的最新信息食物Heavenpodcast. Co-hosts Wendy and Jess are both registered dietitians with master’s degrees in nutrition, and they are also BFFs who share a passion for helping people live a healthier life.
Whether you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, finding ways to cope is a critical part of the recovery process. Podcasts can be a valuable tool to help you learn how to identify addiction issues, ask for help, find support, and connect with others during your recovery process.
无脚本恢复, a podcast powered by Foundations Recovery Network, takes a deep dive into the most complex topics related to addiction and recovery. Through guest interviews with some of the most influential figures, like Glennon Doyle and Herschel Walker, and expert advice from clinicians, host David Condos takes listeners through the ins and outs of addiction treatment, mental health care, and recovery.
That Sober Guy
当Shane Ramer于2013年清醒时,他决定分享他的故事,以及他的播客,以及他的播客。That Sober Guy。可关联,真实,加工,拉默将听众瞥见成瘾,酗酒,恢复等等。虽然他的重点是应对或从上瘾的人员上恢复,但他还提供家人和朋友一个获取信息,提示和支持的地方。
For Improving Relationships
We can all use a few tips and tricks to help improve the relationships in our life. From suggestions to help you get out of a relationship rut to tips on keeping the lines of communication free-flowing with your boss or co-workers, tuning in to one of these podcasts can help improve your relationships both in love and life.
当你没有时间去婚姻咨询的时候,为什么不带治疗师来呢?我们从哪里开始,关系治疗师Esther Perel的Brainchild,解决了复杂的问题,我们的伴侣很多人面对,包括无性,不孕,通信问题,不忠,创伤,遗憾,角色等等。和最好的部分?每个播客都有一个不同的夫妇,因此听众将成为私人治疗会议的一部分,因为这对夫妇分享了他们的关系的亲密细节。
Spiritual growth is a journey unique to each of us. While each path may look different, connecting with your inner soul can help you find meaning and purpose in life. Discovering what is possible by working from within is the focus of these two podcasts about spiritual growth and self-discovery.
当Georgie Morley会谈时,人们听。通过她自己的斗争,抑郁症和双极LL,莫利指导听众,因为他们看起来自己的灵性追逐欢乐播客。She explores a new topic each week related to spirituality, wellness, and personal growth. Her hope? That you leave each episode feeling more joyful, energetic, and focused on your journey.
奥普拉’s SuperSoul Conversations
如果你需要一周的灵感和精神觉醒,那么奥普拉’s SuperSoul Conversations播客是给你的。奥普拉邀请了精神先驱埃克哈特·托尔、理查德·罗尔神父、格雷琴·鲁宾和布伦·布朗等嘉宾,带领听众踏上了一段独特而有目的的精神成长之旅。