

Traditional native sweat lodge

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Atemazcalis a ceremony steeped in Mexican heritage. It involves participants sitting in a traditional sweat lodge for health and therapeutic benefits. Ceremonies usually last for two or more hours and are typically led by a sort of spiritual leader called a shaman ortemazcalero



但是,您不必担任南美遗产,以享受塔塔奇的好处。多年来,仪式在普及中增长,现在在世界各地练习。这个单词temazcalcomes from the wordtemāzcalli, which isNahuatl.(an Uto-Aztec language) for ‘the house of heat.’

Historically, temazcals began as a cleansing ritual for the people to engage in before and after going to wars. It was also rumored to have healing powers.

During the Spanish conquest, many temazcal structures were destroyed by the Spaniards. The native people, however, were able to hide some in hidden locations, helping to preserve the beautiful culture till this day.


How to Experience a Temazcal




Each temazcal ceremony is unique. Sometimes a temazcal might be led by a shaman and could involve chanting and singing. Or a temazcalero might perform the same function as a shaman.

The temazcals are typically dome-like structures made out of cement, mud, or volcanic stone. At the start of the ceremony, people are asked to step into the sweat lodge and get comfortable where they will typically sit in a circle or a semi-circle. Once the participants are settled in, steaming volcanic stones are placed in the middle of the circle. Water is then poured over these stones to produce steam for the sweat lodge.




Benefits of a Temazcal

Temazcal has proven to have many benefits. You might notice clearer skin and an improvement in weight loss efforts. Some other benefits include:

  • 抑郁症状的改善:2005年对温和抑郁症患者对热疗法影响的研究发现,热处理可能有助于改善患有轻度抑郁症的人们的食欲损失和其他投诉的症状。
  • 从身体中去除毒素:Temazcal ceremonies are thought to help cleanse the body of toxins and impurities. Research shows that sweating has excellent potential in facilitating toxin removal.

Spiritual Impact

For many people, the primary purpose of a sweat lodge might be for its physical benefits such as sweating out toxins. But for many others, these ceremonies are deeply spiritual and hold more meaning.

Temazcals are thought to purify not just the body but the mind and soul—healing you from the inside out.

Traditionally, it is also thought to have the ability to heal many medical problems and aid women during childbirth.

Participating in a Temazcal


  • 确保你的水好因为你会出汗很多,并且通过你的皮肤失去大量的液体。一些Temazcal仪式涉及茶饮料,这可以帮助您在仪式期间保持水分。
  • 不要participate if you have a condition that makes extreme temperatures dangerous to your health。也可能存在一氧化碳暴露的风险。您可以在参加一个人之前询问您的医生,以确保它为您提供安全。
  • 全心全意地致力于经验because temazcals are stepped in ancient traditional rituals you might be unfamiliar with. Don’t let this deter you from enjoying the experience wholly, just follow the lead of your shaman or temazcalero.
  • You might participate in a bathing suit or while nude如果这是一个非常贴心的仪式,所以最好不要穿太多层数,因为你可能会非常热。
  • 不要犹豫,在任何时候都停下来如果仪式对你感到不舒服。如果圆顶变得太热,或者你开始感到晕倒或轻松,请通知萨满或塔塔基尔狼,走出圆顶。




However, if performed in the right conditions under proper supervision, a temazcal is completely safe and you stand to gain many benefits from this ceremony.

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  3. Thompson Lm,Clark M,Cadman B,Canúze,史密斯kr。Exposures to high levels of carbon monoxide from wood-fired temazcal (Steam bath) use in highland guatemala国际职业与环境健康杂志万博手机客户端。2011; 17(2):103-112。DOI:10.1179 / 107735211799030979