大多数人都认为其他人与自己具有相同的道德准则。我们假设其他人同意撒谎,偷窃和操纵他人的收益是错误的。当你与那些咆哮着感知的人交叉道路时,它可以作为震惊。在某些情况下,这个人可能是一种自恋的社会疗法 - 一个具有独特的特征组合的人,导致他们在个人和专业生活中创造破坏。
While there is no official diagnosis of "narcissistic sociopath," the精神障碍的诊断和统计手册(DSM-5)fo识别可能存在两个障碍rm this constellation of traits: narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and antisocial personality disorder (APD). People who have aspects of both of these personality disorders could be considered narcissistic sociopaths.
为了得出结论,一个人是一种自恋的社会疗法,必须诊断出两种方面narcissistic personality disorder和antisocial personality disorder。这两个个性障碍是DSM-5中B组的一部分。
一般而言,一个personality disorder指患有社会,工作和学校运作的不健康和思维模式和表现的不健康模式。具有个性障碍的大多数人不会意识到他们有问题,并责备他人的问题。
DSM-5 Criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder
- 有宏伟的自我意义(夸大成就和能力)
- 全神贯注于无限权力,成功,身体吸引力和爱的梦想
- 持有他们具有特殊或高地位的信念,只能通过类似的人理解或者只应与这些人(或机构)联系起来
- 需要过度钦佩
- 拥有权利感,并期望有利的待遇或合规性
- Exploits other people to achieve personal goals
- 缺乏对别人的需求和感受的同情
- 羡慕其他人或认为别人羡慕他们
- Has arrogant behaviors and attitudes
People with this disorder may monopolize conversations and look down on people whom they feel are inferior to them. They will take advantage of others to get what they want, no matter who gets hurt along the way.
- 重复失败遵循社会规范导致被捕的理由
- 从事欺骗性(撒谎,使用别名,不支付债务)
- 冲动,不规划未来;不断地四处走动
- 令人烦躁和侵略性(导致体力打击/攻击)
- Reckless disregard or concern for the safety of other people
- 通过持续未能维持工作,完成学业或留在财务承诺之外,慢性不负责任
- 关于伤害他人的悔恨(无动于衷或合理化)
To be diagnosed with APD, the individual must be at least 18 years old and have had evidence of a品行障碍by age 15.
While we don't know the exact causes of NPD or APD, environment, genetics, and神经生物学可能都在发挥作用。这些疾病在男性中比女性更常见,并且在少女/早期成年年开始。它们的成长或早期环境的一些方面,甚至更晚的压力源与遗传易感性或生物学结合,导致疾病。
In order for someone to fall into this category, they would need to be diagnosed with both features of NPD and APD. Narcissism intensifies with qualities of APD (or sociopathy) to worsen outcomes. A sociopathic narcissist will be cold and callous but will also be seeking the admiration of others (and will believe that they deserve it). They will have a disdain for people and think it's okay to exploit and dispose of others in whatever way it helps them to get ahead.
When you put these two qualities together, the result is a person on a quest for power and control, who uses the love and admiration of others as a tool to dominate and manipulate, and who goes about all of this thinking that it is their right and that they are justified. There will be no guilt, no apologies, and no remorse coming from the narcissistic sociopath.
Even if these behaviors land this person in trouble, or worse, in prison—they won't stop. After all, it's all just a game and the people are pawns. When the narcissistic sociopath gets tired of those people or they aren't serving a useful role anymore, then they will cast them aside.
A narcissist without APD might have some ability to feel guilt or remorse and may be able to be helped with appropriate psychotherapy. A narcissistic sociopath, however, is unlikely to feel those emotions or be helped in a genuine way through psychotherapy. Therapy is a game to be manipulated and the therapist is a pawn.
How Narcissists and Sociopaths Differ
The driving force behind the two disorders differs. The narcissist'sego总是处于危险之中,这驱使了许多行为。另一方面,社会疗法始终被自己的自身利益驱动,并在此刻采取任何人格。ococopaths更像是经典骗子艺术家,而自恋者更像是伤害孩子绑出来并假装优越性以隐藏内心的痛苦。
Classic sociopaths are not trying to impress you to build up their own ego; rather, they will only try to impress you if it serves a purpose in their greater plan. They are less likely to brag than narcissists. Instead, the sociopath is more likely to bestow compliments on you and center the conversation around you to get you to like them (and to do what they want).
Sociopaths are more calculating while narcissists are more reactive. Sociopaths might even apologize or put themselves down if it serves some greater purpose in the game they are playing.
How do you know you've met a narcissistic sociopath or if there is one in your life? Does the person:
- 不断让你觉得你是问题,不是他们吗?
- 惩罚你批评或沉默?
- 似乎让你负责他们的错误或侮辱?
- Make you feel special and shower you with attention but then withdraw it for no reason?
- 痴迷于他们的身体外观,需要赞美吗?
Unfortunately, narcissistic sociopaths are good at finding the right people to manipulate. They can see when someone is trusting. They know good people will make excuses for their bad behavior because they don't want to see it for what it really is.
但是,如果你的肠道正在向你发送信号,而你刷掉愤怒,不信任和恐惧的感觉,可能有一个充分的理由。这被称为“cognitive dissonance。“你want to believe that this person you know is as good as they appear, even though you know it all seems too good to be true.
你是一个很好的,信任的人,他们希望看到别人的善意 - 这是可以理解的。这可能会让你清楚地看到它。您也可能处于处于缺陷的社会或财务状况,损害了您反击的能力。
A Word From Verywell