Why Anti-Depressant Zoloft Works Best for Later Onset Alcoholism

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One of the ways that alcohol can affect the brain is by damaging the functioning ofserotonin,一种影响情绪,睡眠,食欲,温度调节和情绪的化学物质。


“选择性血清素再吸收抑制剂是一类蚂蚁最广泛的规定i-depressants," said William Dundon, senior research investigator in the department of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. "SSRIs work by affecting the level of serotonin in the brain and elsewhere in the body. In the brain, serotonin is thought to influence mood, emotions, sleep, appetite, and temperature regulation."

Research has found, however, thatSSRIs—such as sertraline (Zoloft.)—do not work well for some people with alcohol use disorders.


确定为什么ssri类药物帮助一些患者酒精度ohol use disorders and not others, Dundon and his colleagues examined two categories of alcohol dependence defined by researcher Thomas Babor of the University of Connecticut.





The researchers compared monthly alcohol consumption for the six months following treatment to alcohol consumption during the last month of treatment. Dundon's study found that people with Type A alcoholism had a better treatment response to Zoloft than people with Type B alcoholism.

During the six months following treatment, the Type A group treated with Zoloft maintained their gains, while the Type B group did not.



  • Type A people with alcohol use disorder who took Zoloft maintained, for at least six months after treatment ceased, the positive results they obtained during treatment
  • Type B people with alcohol use disorder treated with Zoloft continued to show no pharmacotherapeutic benefits during the six-month period following treatment.
  • For Type B people with alcohol use disorder, heavy drinking actually increased during the six months following treatment with Zoloft.

SSRIs Are Not Appropriate for Type B Alcohol Dependence


"However, there is another subgroup, Type Bs, for whom SSRIs may not be appropriate. This subgroup seemed to maintain their gains from the AA-based individual therapy only if they had not received sertraline," he said.



The researchers concluded that being able to determine whether people with an alcohol use disorder entering treatment are either Type A or Type B could be helpful in developing a treatment plan.

"I think our study clearly suggests that there may be ways to subtype alcoholics and that these different subgroups of alcoholics may respond differently to the same treatment," Dundon said. "Numerous classification schemes have been proposed to differentiate types of alcoholics. Our study supports the usefulness of the Babor Type A and Type B classification system."


Later research by the Public Health Institute and the University of California, San Francisco using data from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions confirmed that Type A and Type B alcohol dependence exist in real life.

The study found that Type B alcohol dependence in the general population, compared to Type A, led to higher alcohol severity and more co-occurring drug, mental, and physical health problems.


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