Eating disorders frequently emerge during adolescence but often, the symptoms aren’t what parents might expect. Unfortunately, many eating disorders go undetected and untreated because parents don’t识别警告标志.
Learning how to spot the subtle warning signs of an eating disorder could help you catch a problem early.
Early intervention is key to addressing an eating disorder effectively.
Be on the lookout for the following warning signs that could indicate your teen may have an eating disorder:
1. Body Insecurity
2. Skips Meals
如果你的青少年经常让借口 - 就像说他已经在朋友的房子里吃了 - 他可能正在吃饭。崩溃节食和禁食可以是饮食障碍的前兆。
3. Excessive Exercise
Disordered eating often starts with picky eating habits. A teen who停止吃整个食物群体or one who eats the same things for every meal may be on the path to a serious eating disorder.
5. Disappears After Meals
A teen with bulimia may make a fast exit after meals. In an effort to compensate for the calories that have been consumed, teens with bulimia may force themselves to vomit or they may use laxatives.
6. Wears Baggy Clothes
To disguise weight loss, a teen may wear clothes that are several sizes too big. If your teen hides under layers of clothes, especially when the temperature doesn’t call for it, take notice.
7. Stashes Food in the Bedroom
While it’s not unusual for a teen to have a snack or two in the bedroom, teens with eating disorders may stash large amounts of food. Empty boxes or wrappers or large quantities of food may be a sign of binge eating.
Quite often,teens with anorexia想在食物周围,即使他们不想吃。他们可能会花很多时间研究食谱并准备食物,以获得别人看别人吃的味道。
9. Avoids Eating in Public
It’s common for teens with eating disorders to have a phobia about eating in public. They may refuse to eat in restaurants, cafeterias, or at family gatherings.
10. Feels Cold All the Time
11. Dry Skin
皮肤问题在青少年吃diso很常见rders. Dehydration often accompanies bulimia and anorexia. Additionally, be on the lookout for calluses on the knuckles which are often the first signs that a teen may be inducing vomiting.
12. Swollen Cheeks
Purging causes swollen salivary glands, which causes the cheeks to look puffy. Swollen cheeks may happen at any stage of an eating disorder.
While it’s good to check food labels, teens who are extremely rigid may have a problem. Be on the lookout if your teen obsesses over ingredients, as behavior often gets more restrictive over time.
Get Your Teen Checked Out
If you see warning signs of a potential eating disorder, talk to your teen’s doctor. A complete physical exam will be an important part of the assessment. If your pediatrician suspects your teen may have an eating disorder, you will likely be referred to a mental health professional for further assessment and treatment.