How Your Energy Levels Change on Your Menstrual Cycle


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Mood changes and discomfort are common before and during a person's menstrual cycle. You've likely learned what to expect from your body during menstruation, but hormonal fluctuations affect your body throughout the entire month.

你的心情和energy levels由于循环期间荷尔蒙班而持续改变。这就是为什么你可能会发现你比其他几个星期更富有成效。

Let's explore the sequence of events your body goes through each month and learn more about identifying these changes so you can maximize your mood and productivity during different points in your cycle.

What Is Menstruation?


The first day of your period is considered day one of your menstrual cycle. The menses phase typically lasts between 3 and 7 days. You're likely to find you feel less productive and more sluggish during this phase of your cycle, which is perfectly normal. The出血和痉挛不仅仅是责备 - 你的激素水平在月经期间也很低。



  • 说不制定计划,或重新安排现有的承诺
  • Reprioritize work tasks, if possible, to have a lighter schedule
  • 如果你的身体渴望休息,请早点睡觉或睡觉


This phase of your cycle begins on day one of your cycle, or the first day of your period. During the follicular phase, your body begins to develop follicles on the ovaries. A mature ovum, or egg, will develop within one of the follicles between cycle days 10 and 14.

雌激素黄体酮levels rise during the follicular phase. This promotes follicle development and helps the uterus lining grow and thicken to support a potential pregnancy.


A lot is going on in your body during this point of your cycle, but you're probably feeling pretty good despite it. Rising estrogen levels can cause a spike in energy for many, so if you're looking for a time to increase productivity, this is your week.


  • Complete any tasks you had pushed aside
  • Focus on more complex projects
  • 解决您的待办事项列表
  • Ramp up your exercise routine
  • 与家人和朋友交往



In the days leading up to ovulation, your body experiences a surge in the luteinizing hormone (LH), which gives the ovary the go-ahead to release the egg. Estrogen andtestosterone排卵期间的水平也是峰值,所以你可能会注意到你的身体感觉有点不同于排卵日。

The ovulation process typically lasts for about 24 hours,但在释放鸡蛋时,高激素水平可以持续大约三到四天。雌激素的峰值可能意味着你比平时感觉更具活力,而延长的睾酮水平会导致升压增加。


  • 如果你和你的伴侣试图怀孕,有交往
  • 从事挑战的谈话你已经犹豫了
  • 完成任何与团队相关的工作任务或项目
  • Spend time in groups or attend events

The Luteal Phase

This phase refers to the time between ovulation and menstruation; the luteal phase is also known as the second half of themenstrual cycle。最常见的是您周期的第15和28天之间。


如果发生怀孕,您的身体将开始产生人类促性腺激素(hCG) to support the corpus luteum. Progesterone levels will also continue to rise. However, if the egg has not been fertilized, progesterone and estrogen levels will drop in preparation for your body to shed the thickened uterine lining during your next period.


How your body reacts during the luteal phase depends on whether or not pregnancy has occurred. If you have not conceived, the rapid decrease in progesterone levels can leave you feeling slugging—physically and mentally.

那些讨厌的PMS symptoms也许也开始弹出,让你感觉更倾向于蜷缩在沙发上而不是击中地面运行。


  • 优先考虑自我护理,如家庭型面部或修指甲
  • 专注于更加平凡的任务,不需要深思熟虑
  • Curl up with a book or binge-watch a new series
  • 善待自己:偶尔渴望才能渴望!



有些人更喜欢跟踪他们的周期在日历上的传统方式。不过,如果你're more tech-savvy, multiple生育应用程序可以在整个月内提供对身体发生的事情的洞察。

Many apps allow you to jot down notes about how you're feeling each day, which can help you become aware of patterns that occur during your cycle. This is also beneficial for tracking any changes that may need to be brought to your doctor's attention.

A Word From Verywell

您的月经周期不仅仅是您的时期 - 这是每个月在您身体中发生的事件序列。认识到您的循环的每个阶段如何响应您的循环阶段,可以帮助您识别整个月内发生的物理和行为模式,允许您在最大化自我护理时达到高峰的生产率。


Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read oureditorial process要了解有关我们如何检查的更多信息,请保持内容准确,可靠和值得信赖。
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  2. Bull, J.R., Rowland, S.P., Scherwitzl, E.BReal-world menstrual cycle characteristics of more than 600,000 menstrual cyclesnpj Digit. Med.2,83(2019)DOI:10.1038 / S41746-019-0152-7

  3. 克利夫兰诊所。Female reproductive system.2019年。
