
Typing APA references with multiple authors
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APA formatestablishes a number of clear rules for how to list reference works using author information. How you reference different sources varies depending on the number of authors to whom the source is attributed. For example, the way that you reference a single author will differ somewhat from how you reference a source with multiple authors.

Before you create a reference section for a psychology paper, it is important to know how to properly list books, articles, and other sources in APA format. The following guidelines can help you prepare a reference section for your APA format paper.

No Author

Articles and other works that do not provide an author attribution should begin with thetitle of the work。If the title is a book, list the title first in italics. The volume number, issue number (if available), and page numbers should follow journal titles, while book titles should be followed by the publisher's name.


A student guide to APA format. (1997).万博maxbetx官网登陆心理学每周,8,13-27.

The ultimate APA format guidebook.(2006). Student Press.




Mccrae,R. R.(1993)。纵向个性稳定性的适度分析。人格与社会心理学,65万博maxbetx官网登陆(3),577-585。

Bandura,A.(1977)。Social learning theory.Prentice-Hall。





Kanfer, F. H., & Busemeyer, J. R. (1982). The use of problem-solving and decision-making inbehavior therapy临床心理学综述,2万博maxbetx官网登陆(2),239-266.

Buss, A. H., & Pomin, R. (1975).A temperamenttheory of personality developmentErlbaum.

Works Written By Three to 20 Authors

工作3到20作者应列出names and first initials of each author separated by an ampersand. Author names should be followed by the date of publication enclosed in parentheses.



ABMA,J.C.,Chandra,A.,Mosher,W. D.,Peterson,L.S.,&Piccinino,L. J.(1997)。生育,计划生育和妇女的健康:1995年国家家庭成长调查的新数据。至关重要和健康统计,23(9), 1-67.

Alper,S.,Schloss,P.J.,Etscheidt,S.K.,&Macfarlane,C. A.(1995)。Inclusion: Are we abandoning or helping students?科鑫媒体。


When a work is credited to more than 20 authors, the reference is listed by providing the names of the first 19 authors followed by。。。然后是最后的作者。其余的参考遵循与20个或更少作者的格式相同。

Author last names and initials are followed by the date of publication enclosed in parentheses. The name of the article is listed immediately after the publication date. The title of the journal or the book title should be provided in italics. The volume number, issue number, and page number should follow journal titles, while book titles should be followed by the publisher's name.


Pegion, K., Kirtman, B. P., Becker, E., Collins, D. C., LaJoie, E., Burgman, R., Bell, R., DelSole, R., Min, D., Zhu, Y., Li, W., Sinsky, E., Guan, H., Gottschalck, J., Metzger, E. J., Barton, N. P., Achuthavarier, D., Marshak, J., Koster, R., . . . Kim, H. (2019). The subseasonal experiment (SubX): A multimodel subseasonal prediction experiment.美国气象学会公报,100.(10), 2043-2061.

Arlo,A.,黑色,B.,Clark,C.,Davidson,D.,艾默生,E.,Fischer,F.,Grahmann,G.,Habib,H.,Ianelli,I.,Juarez,J.,Kobayashi,K.,Lee,L.,Martin,M.,Naim,N.,Odelsson,O.,Pierce,P.,Qiang,Q.,Reed,R.,Scofield,S ..。。撒切尔,T.(2001)。Instructive falsehoods: Examples and sources。Thommel-Reed.

You can read more about a few different aspects of referencing sources in APA format if you havebook references,文章参考文献,和electronic sources

Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read oureditorial process要了解有关我们如何检查的更多信息,请保持内容准确,可靠和值得信赖。
  • 美国心理协会。美国心理协会的出版手册(第7届。)。华盛顿特区:美国心理协会;2019年。

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