How to Reference Journal Articles in APA Format

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Do you know how to create references for journal articles inAPA format?如果您写了一个心理学论文,那么万博maxbetx官网登陆您可能需要引用许多不同的日记文章。这些制品总结了研究人员进行的研究和实验结果。在大多数情况下,您需要create references对于您编写的每个APA格式纸张至少有五个或更多期间文章。

APA format details a set of clear rules for referencing articles that appear in academic journals and other periodicals. These vary somewhat based on where the article appears and who the authors are. While many articles you will use in your references appear in academic and professional journals, you might also find articles in magazines, newspapers, and online publications.

参考部分是由于APA格式不正确的最简单的丢失地点之一,因此在手之前始终检查您的参考文献psychology papers。Learning to reference articles in proper APA style can help you throughout your study of psychology.


首先列出author's last name和第一个首字母,然后在括号中发布日期。提供物品的标题,但只大写标题的第一个字母。接下来,列出斜体中的期刊或期刊和卷编号,然后是括号中的问题编号。最后,提供可以找到文章的页码。


作者,I. N.(年)。文章的标题。Title of the Journal or Periodical, volume number(issue number), page numbers.


Smith, L. V. (2000). Referencing articles in APA format.APA Format Weekly, 34(1),4-10。

If possible, include the DOI (digital object identifier) number at the end of your reference. If a DOI number is not available and you accessed the article online, give the URL of the journal's home page.

Formatting Rules

  • Capitalize the first word in thetitle, subtitle, and proper nouns.
  • 参考应该是双间距的。
  • The first line of each reference should be flush left and any remaining lines should be indented.

请务必使用官方检查您的参考美国心理协会的出版手册。See anexampleof different types of references and learn more aboutAPA format


The structure for an article appearing in a magazine is similar to that of a journal article. However, the publication date should also include the month and day of publication.


詹姆斯,S. A.(2001年6月7日)。APA格式的杂志文章。新闻欢呼,20,48-52。

Newspaper Articles



Tensky, J. A. (2004, January 5). How to cite newspaper articles.纽约时报,4d,5d。

Articles With Two Authors

If an article has two authors, follow the basic format for a journal reference. Place a comma after the first initial of the first author followed by an ampersand (&). Then include the last name and first initial of the second author.


Mischel,W&Baker,N.(1975)。通过指示认知奖励物体的变换。Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 31, 254-261.

Articles With Three to Twenty Authors

For journal articles with three to 20 authors, follow a similar format as you would with two authors, but separate each author and initials with a comma. The final author should be preceded by an ampersand. Follow this same format for each additional author up to 20 authors.


Hart, D., Keller, M., Edelstein, W., & Hofmann, V. (1998). Childhood personality influences on social-cognitive development: A longitudinal study.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74,1288-1289. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.74.5.1278

Keller, J. L., Smithfield, K. B., Ellis, M., Michelina, R., & Bels, S. (1987). The limitations of anchoring bias. Journal of Market Research, 17115-119。

Articles With More Than Twenty Authors




Arlo,A.,黑色,B.,Clark,C.,Davidson,D.,艾默生,E.,Fischer,F.,Grahmann,G.,Habib,H.,Ianelli,I.,Juarez,J.,Kobayashi,K.,Lee,L.,Martin,M.,Naim,N.,Odelsson,O.,Pierce,P.,Qiang,Q.,Reed,R.,Scofield,S ..。。撒切尔,T.(2011)。更多的参考。APA Format Today, 11(4),30-38。

Articles With No Author

If an article does not cite any authors, then start by giving the title of the article, followed by the publication date, source, and URL if you accessed the article electronically.


Scientists seek source of creativity. (2012, March, 6).Dayton County News.

Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read oureditorial process要了解有关我们如何检查的更多信息,请保持内容准确,可靠和值得信赖。
  • 美国心理协会。美国心理协会的出版手册(第7届。)。美国心理协会,2019年。