David Kolb is a psychologist and educational theorist who is perhaps best known for his theory of experiential learning. In addition to developing a theory that outlined how experiential learning takes place, Kolb is also known for his learning style inventory that remains quite popular among educators today. His main contributions to the field of psychology include:
- Experiential learning theory
- Kolb's learning styles
- Kolb's learning style inventory
Brief Biography of David Kolb
David Kolb was born in 1939. He earned his undergraduate degree in 1961 from Knox College. He then went on to earn his Ph.D. in社会心理学万博maxbetx官网登陆from Harvard University.
如今,他是西部储备大学的Weatherherience of Weatherherience School of Hearth Peparts学院的Emeritus教授。
According to Kolb,experiential learning是一种过程,通过掌握和转换经验的不同组合产生的过程。我们可以掌握两种不同的方式;通过具体的经验和抽象的概念化。然后人们可以通过两种方式改变经验;通过反射观察或积极的实验。此过程通常被描绘为一个循环。
- 有A.的人converging learning style喜欢通过抽象的概念化和积极的实验学习。
- Those with adiverging learning styleprefer concrete experience and reflective observation.
- Theassimilating styleis associated with abstract conceptualization and reflective observation.
- Theaccommodating learning styleis linked to concrete experience and active experimentation.
While learning styles remain a fairly controversial and oft-debated area within psychology and education, Kolb's theory has emerged as one of the most popular and widely used.
- 科尔布,a, Y。,科尔布,d . a . (2011). Kolb Learning Style Inventory 4.0 Boston MA: Hay Group.
- 科尔布,a, Y。,科尔布,d . a . (2010). Learning to Play, Playing to Learn: A Case Study of a Ludic Learning Space (1 ed., vol. 23, pp. 26-50).Journal of Organizational Change Management.
- 科尔布,a, Y。,科尔布,d . a . (2009). In Armstrong, S. J. & Fukami, C. (Ed.), Experiential Learning Theory: A Dynamic, Holistic Approach to Management Learning, Education and Development (pp. 50). London:Sage Publications管理学习,教育和发展手册.
- Kolb,D. A.,Boyatzis,R. E.,&Mainemelis,C。(2000)。经验学习理论:以前的研究和新方向。Perspectives on Cognitive, Learning, and Thinking Styles. Sternberg & Zhang (Eds.). NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Kolb,D. A.(1984)。Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.