Instagram Teatox文化的危险

Jasmin Awad / EyeEm / Getty Images

在许多生成中,搜索魔法减肥解决方案已经存在很长时间。一个当前版本是Instagram“Teatox Creaze”,这是一种营养和清洁程序,涉及饮用的特殊茶,通常含有声音无害但不是的成分。这些茶是在Instagram上销售的茶,对患有饮食疾病的个体特别诱人,他们可能很容易受到他们的营销索赔,并且可能滥用他们。



根据一位前茶客的说法,“许多帖子包括流行的Instagram化妆师,模型和健身明星与他们的茶合影 - 这些几乎总是付钱赞助,特别是如果他们正在推广自己的折扣码。”

Senna as the Active Ingredient

一个常见的方案是一种利尿剂在早上喝茶and a laxative tea in the evening. The active ingredient in most of the laxative teas is senna, a powerful herb that stimulates the bowels and causes a laxative effect. As with all laxative use, any weight loss produced from using these teas is usually due to the body fluids lost when senna activates the colon. Once more food is ingested, the weight is typically regained.


因为它们是草药茶,他们经常被认为是良性的。然而,与大多数其他膳食补充剂一样,草药茶是不受管制的并且可能是危险的。使用的副作用可包括头痛,恶心,腹部痉挛,头晕和脱水。此外,当以大剂量或超过推荐的时间拍摄时,它们可以具有额外的不利影响。根据这一点US National Institutes of Health,较长使用塞纳可能导致肠子正常停止运作,并且可能导致泻药依赖。慢性滥用可能与严重表现有关,包括液体和电解质损失,肝癌和肾脏损伤,心脏病和结肠损伤。

Laxative Abuse

社交媒体有能力能够提高这些补救措施的传播,肆无忌惮地肆无忌惮地兴起并省略他们姿势的危险的背景。一个article on Faderdescribes Instagram as “a booming hotbed for snake oil of all kinds. The people I’ve spotted selling tea also promote other dubious products, like waist trainers and designer knockoff shoes. They do this for money, and, for upstart brands, it works.” Said a former teatox user,

“The teas certainly mean well, but like I said, it's probably the first taste of laxative use for many women trying to ‘lose weight.’ [It is a] slippery slope, and I often wonder how many of these sponsors actually use the teas. It's very easy to develop an emotional/psychological dependence on these ‘teatoxes,’ especially if you're prone to disordered eating. While instructions may say to use the cleanse tea 'every other night' and to steep it for only a particular amount of time, the seductive feeling of a 'flat stomach' in the morning can drive you to ignore those instructions and use it nightly with a stronger tea. What's more, I had periods where I felt I couldn't go on a trip or attend a big event unless I used the cleanse tea beforehand. It became an anxiety reliever, even though it was making me feel sick. I didn't feel I was at my ‘best’ unless I used a teatox to drop as much water and physical weight as I could.”

Laxative abuse among the general population occurs in four percent of the general population. The percentage of patients with神经性贪食症谁报告了泻药滥用的范围从18%到75%。研究表明个人有anorexia nervosa, binge-eating/purging type, and其他指定的喂养和饮食失调通常滥用泻药。使用Teatox只是通过另一个名称释放滥用。

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