Understanding the Fear of Cats (Gatophobia)

Orange tabby cat
Marlena Krzywicka(Szymanska)/茶/盖蒂图像

被称为两gatophobia and ailurophobia, the fear of cats is not as common as thefear of dogs尽管如此,对猫的恐惧可能对人民的日常生活产生深远的影响,这使得不可能访问猫爱的朋友并强迫他们限制日常活动。



Physical Harm

Although it can be tough to remember when cuddling a tiny kitten, cats are, by nature, predators. Domesticated house cats retain many of the same basic instincts as lions, tigers, panthers and other large cats. Those who have been bitten or scratched by a cat in the past may be at higher risk of developing a phobia of cats.

Some people are not afraid of indoor cats, particularly those that have been declawed but are terrified of unfamiliar cats that they encounter outdoors. Some fear only male cats, which they perceive as being more threatening than females. Still, others are afraid of all cats and kittens, regardless of circumstances, because they witnessed or personally experienced a negative event with one.

Fear of Evil

Throughout history, cats have been alternately revered and reviled due to their alleged supernatural powers. In Ancient Egypt, cats were worshiped as deities. It was believed that they were under the special protection of Bast, goddess of fertility and of the moon. Deceased cats were often mummified and buried in the great cemeteries. Killing a cat, intentionally or accidentally, was often a capital offense.

也许没有运动与猫的诽谤紧密相关,就像17世纪一样witch hunts在欧洲和美国殖民地。从中世纪开始,猫经常被视为巫婆的仆人,夜间信使能够做巫婆的竞标。到1692年和1693年的塞勒姆女巫试验时,猫被广泛认为是巫婆对魔鬼的联系。

今天,害怕猫作为邪恶的先驱通常植根于religion-based phobia。In some cases, the fear of evil is a sign of disordered thinking, but modern therapists are careful to take clients' religious beliefs into account before making a diagnosis.


In some people, the fear of cats is so strong that it is triggered when thinking about a cat or kitten or hearing one purr. When it is triggered, a variety of reactions is possible. One of the more obvious ones is a "fight-or-flight" response—the person will quickly run in the other direction. Others may have a panic attack. Avoidance is also common, where the person will do absolutely anything possible to not cross paths with a cat, both in real life and in more extreme cases on TV.




Throughout this process, relaxation and visualization techniques are often used. They also help reframe the person's mindset and methodically rationalize their fear. In some cases,hypnotherapymay also be useful.

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