The Relationship Between Anxiety and Illness

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焦虑疾病经常携手共进。身体健康问题是令人担忧的,但在你也有心理健康问题时,甚至更有。万博手机客户端焦虑障碍如社交焦虑症(悲伤)往往是与心脏等疾病有关disease, gastrointestinal issues, and respiratory illness.





  • Studies of the relationship between anxiety and physical health have generally grouped焦虑症整个整体。因此,例如,例如,有人是否有社交焦虑症(悲伤)的人更有可能患有不同类型的身体健康抱怨panic disorder
  • 研究具有然而,如图所示,那些悲伤的人更有可能与健康有问题。202名伊朗学生研究了社会恐惧症对身体健康的影响,发现社会恐惧症的学生对一般健康和活力的措施降低了降低。
  • 可能预期的那样,患有慢性呼吸系统疾病(如哮喘或COPD)的人已被证明具有更高的焦虑率。同样,这种关系的因果性尚未建立并且很可能是复杂的,但是假设至少有一些连接涉及呼吸失败的恐惧是合理的。
  • Higher rates of anxiety have been linked to the development of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in those diagnosed with gastroenteritis.
  • 已经在恐惧焦虑和突然的心脏死亡之间显示了联系。
  • 已经显示出高血压,甲状腺疾病和癌症的人们具有更高的焦虑率。
  • A study of 4,181 individuals found that most people with both anxiety and physical health problems reported developing anxiety first.

What This Means for You


Those who suffer from both anxiety and physical illness have been shown to have a poorer quality of life, so it is important that you receive treatment to address both your anxiety and physical health concerns.


If it turns out that you do suffer from an anxiety disorder, your doctor will be able to tailor your treatment program to best suit your needs.

Article Sources
万博手机官网Masewell Mind仅使用高质量的来源,包括同行评审的研究,以支持我们的文章中的事实。读我们社论过程to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  • Ghaedi GH, Tavoli A, Bakhtiari M, Melyani M, Sahragard M. Quality of Life in College Students With and Without Social Phobia.社会指标研究。2009年。

  • 哈佛健康出版物。焦虑和身体疾病。

  • 约翰霍普金斯医药健康警报。焦虑和你的身体健康。
  • Sciencedaily。焦虑Disorders Linked To Physical Conditions