Zoloft is the brand name of the generic medicationsertraline hydrochloride,用于治疗抑郁症的处方药,焦虑症, and other serious mental health problems.由辉瑞制造,Zoloft由食品和药物管理局(FDA)批准treatment of social anxiety disorderand is the only medication approved for long-term treatment.
一种选择性血清素再摄取抑制剂(SSRI), Zoloft slows reabsorption of the chemical serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is believed to play a role in the regulation of mood and anxiety.
您必须在使用前将Zoloft的液体形式与以下一项结合起来:水,姜啤酒,柠檬 - 石灰苏打水,柠檬水或橙汁。将规定的药物用一半的所选液体结合,并务必在服用之前立即准备每剂量。
In general, Zoloft is taken once daily, with or without food. If you forget to take a daily dose, take it when you remember. However, if it is close to the time of your next dose, it is better to skip the missed dose altogether.
Take the medication as directed until your healthcare provider provides other guidance. Your doctor will slowlytaper your dosage当你停止服用zoloft。您自己停止药物可能导致令人不安的症状。
For people with social anxiety disorder, a typical dosage of Zoloft starts at 25 mg, with an increase to 50 mg after one week. Weekly increases up to a maximum dose of 200 mg are permitted for patients who do not respond to lower doses.
- 一种re allergic to sertraline
- 一种re being treated with medication for滥用酒精
- 是母乳喂养
- 怀孕或计划怀孕
- 具有双相障碍或双相障碍的家族史
- 肝脏或肾功能受损,心脏病,糖尿病或癫痫发作的历史
Medication Interactions
Zoloft should not be taken in combination with, or within weeks of takingmonoamine oxidase inhibitors(毛泽东)。使用Zoloft与Pimozide禁忌。
Side effects of Zoloft可以从轻度到更严重的程度。Zoloft可能会让你感到昏昏欲睡,而且减少警觉。除非您确定Zoloft以这种方式不影响您,否则重要的是驾驶,操作危险机械,或参与危险活动。
当第一个开始Zoloft或者在更换剂量时,观察更严重的副作用,如激动,紧张,自杀的念头and behaviors, tremors, seizures, persistent vomiting or nausea, severe abdominal pain, changes in urine or stools (dark or increased urine, black stools), or yellowing of the eyes or skin. If you experience any of these symptoms, report them to your doctor right away.
一种ssociated Risks
该risk of a fatal overdoseof Zoloft is low. Symptoms of an overdose include dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, increased or slow heart rate, and coma.
When combined with some medications, there is a risk of serotonin syndrome, a potentially fatal condition.血清素综合征的症状include agitation, confusion, sweating, hallucinations, abnormal reflexes, muscle spasms, and rapid heartbeat.