

Quitting heroin可能是非常困难的,但对于那些有真诚欲望或动机的人来说,有各种各样的治疗方法是绝对可能的。这些包括行为疗法和药理治疗方法。


Both approaches to treatment, behavioral and pharmacological, can be effective individually, but research has shown that integrating both types of treatment is most effective for some heroin users.

如果他们不仅帮助上瘾者变得戒断,而且取决于个人,还要恢复大脑功能和行为的程度,增加就业率,增加就业率,降低就业率,降低risk of HIV和其他疾病,减少犯罪行为。


通常,海洛因用户将通过一个解毒计划before beginning their long-term treatment program. During detoxification, patients are sometimes given medications to lessen thewithdrawal symptoms,这可能包括疼痛,腹泻,恶心和呕吐。

Although the detoxification process itself is not成瘾治疗,它可能是一个有效的第一步,然后是behavioral therapyor pharmacological treatment, according to the National Institute on Drug abuse research.


Medications which have been approved for the treatment of heroin addiction work through the same opioid receptors in the brain that heroin works on, but are safer.

These medications are divided into three types: agonist, which activate opioid receptors; partial agonist, which activate opioid receptors but produce a lesser response; and antagonists, which block the receptor and therefore the rewarding effects of opioids.

Medications that have been found to be effective for heroin treatment include:

美沙酮(Dolophine or Methadose) is an opioid agonist that is taken orally and is, therefore, slow-acting. It works by dampening the "high" that heroin users experience while at the same time preventing withdrawal symptoms.




Buprenorphine.has been approved to be prescribed by certified physicians, making daily trips to a clinic unnecessary as required with methadone. This makes the treatment more accessible than methadone. Generic versions of Suboxone are also available, making it a less expensive option.


One limit to the effectiveness of Naltrexone has been patient compliance, but a long-action, injectable version of the medication (Vivitrol) that can be administered once a month has improved patient compliance by eliminating daily doses.



In a contingency management program, patients typically earn points in a voucher-based system for each negative drug test. The vouchers can be exchanged for items that encourage a healthy lifestyle.


Nida Research发现,如果结合药理学治疗,这两种治疗方法都更有效地工作。

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  • 国家药物滥用研究所。海洛因研究报告系列Updated January 2014.

  • Drubfree.org的合作伙伴关系。海洛因药物指南