oxycontin是时间释放形式oxycodonewhich is typically prescribed for chronic and severe pain. Due to the fact that it can contain a large amount of oxycodone, it has become one of the最滥用的处方药在美国。
Generally, OxyContin is prescribed to be taken twice a day, a benefit over other pain-relieving medications that have to be taken several times a day. OxyContin is available in tablet form in seven dosage levels from 10 to 80 milligrams.
It is usually prescribed to help patients with chronic pain, such as back and neck pain. It may also be prescribed to cancer patients to help decrease pain and improve function.
How It's Abused
2010年,FDA批准了oxycontin的新配方,以防止这种篡改。制药商Purdue Pharma LP,使得破碎片剂不能立即释放羟考酮。此外,如果有人试图将这些新的片剂溶解注射器注射注射器,则液体变得粘稠。
根据2013年的研究,近80%的美国人heroin users reported misusing prescription opioids像文中和维柯丁之前他们‘茵特罗德女士’uced to the illicit street drug.
Some of the street names for OxyContin include Oxy, O.C., Cotton, kickers, Ox, OCs, beans, rushbo, Orange County, killer, and hillbilly heroin. It is frequently mispronounced and misspelled as "oxycotton."
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Under the prescribed dosage, OxyContin is an effective pain reliever. When crushed and snorted or injected, the drug produces a quick and powerful "high" that some abusers compare to the感觉他们在做海洛因时得到的。国家药物滥用研究所(NIDA)报告称,在该国的某些地区,Oxycontin滥用率高于heroin abuse。
OxyContin, like heroin and other opioids, is a central nervous system depressant. An overdose can cause respiratory failure and death.
Some symptoms of OxyContin overdose include:
- 覆盖精神功能
- Cold and clammy skin
- 昏迷
- 混乱
- 头晕
- Loss of consciousness
- Nausea
- Reduced vision
- 缉获
- 慢呼吸(呼吸抑郁症)
- Small pupils
- Tiredness
- 呕吐
- Weakness
In Case of Overdose
If you believe someone has taken an overdose of OxyContin, call 9-1-1 immediately. Narcan (naloxone hydrochloride) is an emergency medication designed to counteract an opioid overdose. First-responders can use it to revive someone if they can reach them soon enough.
如果及时收到医疗注意,可能会有一些过量的长期后果。什么时候treatmentis delayed, an overdose of OxyContin can be fatal or result in permanent brain damage.
Is It Addictive?
Like all opioids, OxyContin has the potential to be highly addictive. Due to the potential for abuse,OxyContin is a Schedule II美国受控物质法案(CSA)下的药物。
甚至止痛患者使用按规定使用该药物的患者突然停止OxyContin use。相反,应逐渐减少剂量以避免戒断症状。然而,少数人服用Oxycontin的人沉迷于药物。
People who misuse the drug and take a higher than the prescribed dosage, can develop a tolerance for OxyContin. This can cause them to take ever-increasing amounts to achieve the same effect. It is possible to become dependent on the drug rather quickly.
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Withdrawal Symptoms
Oxycontin withdrawal symptoms最后一次剂量后,可以在六个小时后开始,可以持续一周。经历Oxycontin的人撤回将过程与强度进行比较海洛因提取:
- 持续的打呵欠
- Depression
- 腹泻
- 心悸
- Hot/cold sweats
- 失眠
- 关节和肌肉疼痛
- Nausea and vomiting
- 疲倦或疲劳
- Uncontrollable coughing
- Watery eyes