
Man suffers from alcohol and opioid dependence and contemplates using Vivitrol.




How Vivitrol Works

Vivitrol is a non-addictive opioid antagonist. In other words, it blocks the effects ofopioids,如海洛因,吗啡和羟考酮。它还阻断了酒精对大脑的影响。

Individuals must completely detox from opioids for 7 to 10 days before starting Vivitrol. Otherwise, the medication could elicit serious withdrawal symptoms.


vivitrol作为一个月给出的镜头给药,使其成为不想使用的个体的有吸引力的选择Suboxone.或者methadone- 这两者都受到高度监管,可能需要某人每天访问诊所。

Like all forms of naltrexone, Vivitrol works by stopping the euphoric and sedative effects of opioids. When an individual taking any form of naltrexone relapses, they won’t be able to get high or intoxicated because the drug won’t bind to the opioid receptors in their brain.




How Vivitrol Is Different

The fact that Vivitrol can be given via a monthly injection makes it an attractive option for anyone who may be likely to miss doses of their medication. (There are other forms of naltrexone that are taken in pill form but must be taken every day.)




In a six-month double-blind study, individuals who were treated with Vivitrol and psychotherapy for alcohol use disorder experienced a 25% greater reduction in the number of heavy drinking days.



Most patients also reported that their cravings and urges never returned to their original levels. Many reported their urges remained below the clinically significant threshold. In addition, saliva drug tests were more likely to come back negative as further evidence that patients were able to maintain their sobriety.

Another study examined the effectiveness of Vivitrol on prison inmates that were being released back into the community. Twenty-seven inmates who had opioid disorders during the prior year were recruited to receive an injection once a month.




虽然有些人吹捧Vivitrol helpful cure for substance abuse, others have expressed concerns that it isn’t as useful as the drug company wants people to believe.

The drug company is accused of falsely presenting Vivitrol as a cure for the opioid crisis. And some have said the FDA approved it too quickly.





There is sometimes a stigma against methadone and Suboxone. And some people in the treatment industry feel as though Vivitrol tries to imply that individuals who use either methadone or Suboxone aren’t yet “drug-free” but that they will be if they use Vivitrol.

While some argue that replacing opioids with Suboxone or methadone is trading one addiction for another, others point out that taking regular medicine every day doesn’t constitute addiction since it doesn’t involve “compulsive drug use despite harm.”


A Word From Verywell


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  5. Vivitrol不是我们被引导的魔法子弹。药物康复选择。。2019年11月4日出版。在2020年7月9日获得。