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It is not uncommon for mothers to experience an array of emotions following the arrival of a new baby. The postpartum period has long been known to be a time of increased risk for the appearance, worsening or recurrence of mood and anxiety disorders. Many studies have suggested that the postpartum period may also present a risk for the onset or worsening of强迫症(OCD)。

If you or a loved one are struggling with OCD or postpartum issues, contact the药物滥用和心理健康服务管理局(Samhs万博手机客户端a)国家帮助热线1-800-662-4357for information on support and treatment facilities in your area.




The symptoms of OCD in women who have postpartum obsessive-compulsive disorder can often be distinguished from those who already had obsessive-compulsive disorder. A recent study showed that the biggest difference between the two is that with postpartum OCD, the obsessions are mostly related to the baby in some way. Specifically, women with postpartum obsessive-compulsive disorder often report more aggressive obsessions related to harming their new baby than women who already had OCD. As well, women with postpartum obsessive-compulsive disorder more frequently experience obsessions related to contamination of the baby than women without postpartum-onset OCD.


At this stage, it is unclear why the postpartum period is a time of increased risk for the onset of OCD for some women. From a biological perspective, it has been speculated that profound changes in hormones such as estrogen may be partly responsible. Hormones can disrupt the activity of neurotransmitters in the brain, including血清仁。血清素制度的破坏是严重涉及强迫的发展。

From a psychosocial perspective, the arrival of a new baby presents a number of new challenges, which can be overwhelming for some women.

Stress is a major trigger of OCD and the postpartum period may be especially stressful for those women who may not have adequate应对策略或支持到位。



如果你正在经历这些或其他症状,your doctor will likely do a full assessment that includes a full psychiatric history, as well as medical tests to rule out biological causes for your symptoms such as hypothyroidism.


万博手机官网Masewell Mind仅使用高质量的来源,包括同行评审的研究,以支持我们的文章中的事实。读我们社论过程to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  • Brandes, M., Soares, C.N., & Cohen, L.S. “Postpartum onset obsessive-compulsive disorder: diagnosis and management”妇女心理健康档案万博手机客户端2004 7: 99-110.
  • http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc4539865/
  • http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/s0924933815311627.
  • Uguz, F., Akman, C., Kaya, N & Cilli, A.S.“Postpartum-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder: Incidence, clinical features and related factors”临床精神病学杂志2007 68: 132-138.