Having your troubled teen get a psychological evaluation may be an important step in getting the right help for your teen.
A psychological evaluation is a thorough process of assessment and screening administered by an adolescentpsychologist. The methods used for the evaluation will depend on your teen's needs. It may consist of a series of formal or structured psychological or neuropsychological tests as well as clinical interviews designed to identify and describe the emotional, behavioral or learning problems that may be contributing to the problems your teen is having. The process takes several hours and is completed during several different sessions.
The role of the psychologist doing the evaluation is similar to a detective looking for clues to solve a mystery. The more clues that can be identified, the more information you'll have to understand what's going on with your teen and decide what options are best suited to help them.
What Information Can a Psychological Evaluation Provide?
A psychological evaluation can provide useful information about your teen to include:
- the severity of抑郁症状或焦虑
- 存在学习残疾
- academic strengths and weaknesses
- 情绪问题的根本原因
- positive and negative coping styles
- reasons for aggressive behavior
- information about how your teen views the world
- 你的青少年的问题或冲突正在努力
- insight into your teens' personality style
Weigh the Pros and Cons of Getting Your Teen Evaluated
The upside of a psychological evaluation is the valuable information it can provide. The downside is the time and expense involved. Sometimes the best way to get this testing completed is through the school district or as part of the initial assessment process when a teen is placed in a住宿治疗计划.
The number of tests needed varies so it may be worthwhile to have an initial consultation with an adolescent psychologist to find out what tests are recommended and the overall cost and time involved.