
Young couple having an argument outside


Dichotomous thinking, also known as "black or white thinking," is a symptom of many psychiatric conditions and人格障碍, including边缘性人格障碍(BPD). Dichotomous thinking contributes to interpersonal problems and to emotional and behavioral instability.

Characteristics of Dichotomous Thinking



This extreme thinking can cause serious overreactions or emotional responses and may result in significant consequences if you tend to behave impulsively in response to your extreme feelings. Whether it's breaking off a relationship or poor work performance, dichotomous thinking can affect your quality of life.


BPD.is a condition that is challenging to live with. BPD is often difficult to diagnose because people who have it may experience extreme mood swings and erratic behavior, but generally cannot see themselves as having a problem, and instead view others as the problem. People with BPD are more likely to display dichotomous thinking than people who do not have BPD.


Dichotomous thinking can cause conflicts and agitation, disrupting your own inner sense of peace and disrupting peace between yourself and others. If you have BPD, you may experience dichotomous thinking without even realizing it.


一个有二分思维的人可以meet a new coworker at work. In the beginning, the coworker is viewed as amazing, perfect, and better than any other coworker or friend ever encountered before. People with dichotomous thinking tend to have favorites and to believe that everything about a favorite person or thing is superior to others. However, as time goes on, someone with dichotomous thinking may suddenly swing to the opposite extreme.


In some instances, dichotomous thinking can result in financial problems. Impulsive purchases and a lack of balanced judgment at work and in one's personal life can have serious consequences.


Dichotomous thinking and BPD can be very detrimental, holding you back from living a rich, full life. There are treatments for both conditions. If you have symptoms, it is recommended that you seek out a healthcare professional who is trained and experienced in treating borderline personality disorder.

During yourtherapy sessions,你的治疗师或心理学家可以要求您讨论您的日常经验的例子并谈论不同的观点。如果您经常思考极端,您的治疗师可以帮助您识别中间地面,向您介绍一种新的更加平衡的思路。在您的进步时,您将学会通过在允许您的想法令您扰乱您之前提出以下问题来考虑自己的假设:

  • Is there evidence that supports my thoughts?
  • 我在考虑所有角度还是留下东西?
  • 我的假设可以被别人挑战吗?怎么样?
  • 其他人是否以这种方式看到它?
  • 我是对别人做这种看法的公平吗?



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  1. Oshio,A。一无外的思维变为黑暗:二分法思维与人格障碍之间的关系.Japanese Psychological Research.2012;54(4):424-429。DOI:10.1111 / J.1468-5884.2012.00515.X

  2. ARNTZ A,Ten Haaf J.Social cognition in borderline personality disorder: evidence for dichotomous thinking but no evidence for less complex attributions.res.. 2012; 50(11):707-18. doi:10.1016/j.brat.2012.07.002

  3. 国家心理健康研究所。万博手机客户端Borderline personality disorder: treatments and therapies. Updated December 2017.
