您的酒精戒断症状似乎非常温和,并且可能不会持续很长时间。但是,你可能还想要consult your healthcare provider在试图戒烟之前。如果你还没有试过quit drinking在一段时间内,你可以体验一些意外的症状。
The longer it has been since you last tried to quit, the more likely that any withdrawal symptoms you experience will be more severe than the last time you tried.
According to your responses on the quiz, your alcohol withdrawal symptoms appear to be mild, but you will probably experience some unpleasantness if you try to quit cold turkey. You may want toconsult your healthcare provider在尝试之前quit drinking。如果你上次试图退出以来已经有一段时间了,你可能会遇到一些你过去没有的症状。
If it has been awhile since you last tried to quit, chances are the withdrawal symptoms you experience this time will be more severe than last time.
您的测验答案表明,您的酒精戒断症状可能会轻微至中等,这意味着您可能会在您尝试之前与您的医疗保健规范咨询quit drinking。There are medical treatments available that will lessen the severity of your withdrawal symptoms.
One of the main reasons that people who try to quit fail to do so is because they drink again to缓解戒断症状。If you want to quit drinking, or have been told you need to quit, we want you to be successful. Getting treatment for your withdrawal symptoms can improve your chances.
Based on your responses to the quiz questions, your alcohol withdrawal symptoms appear to be in the moderate range, meaning you should definitely consult your healthcare provider before trying toquit drinking你自己。您的医生可以规定可以减少否则在停止饮酒时会经历的令人不快的药物。
Many people who try to quit drinking fail because they start drinking again to relieve theirwithdrawal symptoms。通过您的症状获得一些医疗帮助可以大大提高您成功退出的机会。
Your alcohol withdrawal symptoms should probably be considered in the moderate to severe range, based on your responses. Therefore, you do not want to try to quit drinking without first consulting your healthcare provider or an alcohol and drug specialist. Trying toquit drinking冷火鸡,你自己可能被证明是危险的。
当大多数人经历severe symptoms当他们放弃饮酒时,他们的第一反应是拿起饮料以缓解这些症状。如果您获得退出的医疗,您会退出和留下退出的机会将改善。
您对我们问题的答案表明您的酒精withdrawal symptoms处于严峻范围。在没有先咨询医疗保健提供者或专业排毒中心的情况下,不要试图戒酒。如果你试图quit drinking寒冷的火鸡,你自己的戒断症状可能会变得非常严重,甚至危及生命。
没有理由你试图“白色knuckle" it when you try to quit. Medical treatment for your withdrawal symptoms is readily available and will increase your chances of achieving lasting sobriety.