一种lcohol Screening Tests Ideal for Healthcare Settings

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酒精筛选测试有助于确定您是否abuse alcohol或有酒精使用障碍。急诊室可能会使用短暂的测试,这是基于第一个问题的确定,而心理健康专业人员有时间使用更多问题进行更长的测试。万博手机客户端

这reliability of shorter tests may not be as high as the longer ones. After the initial diagnosis, a longer test helps determine if your case of alcohol use disorder is mild, moderate, or severe.


最古老,最流行的酒精滥用筛选工具之一是笼子测试,这是一个诊断的简短四个问题测试alcohol problems一生。


  • C- 你有没有觉得你应该降低on your drinking?
  • 一种- 有人懊恼你批评你的饮酒?
  • G- 你有没有感到糟糕或有罪的about your drinking?
  • E.- Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning ("眼睛开阔r“)稳定你的神经或摆脱宿醉?

T.wo "yes" answers indicates a problem with alcohol.

笼子测试的缺点是not very accuratefor older people, white women, and African- and Mexican-Americans.

这T.-ACE Test

T-ACE测试有四个问题,包括笼中的三个,但已证明更准确diagnosing alcohol problemsin both men and women.

T.-ACE Test

  • T.- Does it喝三个以上的饮料to make you feel high?
  • 一种- 你曾经去过吗?懊恼by people's criticism of your drinking?
  • C- Are you trying to降低在喝酒?
  • E.- Have you ever used alcohol as an "eyner“在早上(当你醒来时喝一杯喝酒,例如宿醉?)。



One of the most accurate tests is the酒精使用Disorders Identification Test(AUDIT). It's accurate up to 94% of the time across ethnic and gender groups.


这disadvantage is that it takes longer to administer and is more difficult to score than the shorter tests.


快速酒精问题屏幕T.est(RAPS) asks questions similar to the CAGE test, but from a different perspective. One "yes" answer indicates a possible alcohol abuse problem. The results are accurate across gender and ethnic groups.


Michigan Alcohol Screening Test(桅杆)有效地诊断成人和青少年。它有22个是或否问题,具有六种正反应,表明饮酒问题。

这disadvantage is the length and time required to score it.

这FAST Test


Paddington Alcohol Test

这Paddington Alcohol Test (PAT) is for patients getting treatment for falls and accidents in the emergency room.这项三次问题易于得分。

这disadvantage is that it asks direct questions about how much alcohol the patient consumes, which patients tend to minimize or deny.




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