Effects of Cannabidiol
有越来越多的证据表明,CBD锅ential therapeutic benefits, including anticonvulsive, sedative, hypnotic, antipsychotic, and neuroprotective properties. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect, which in animal studies has been found to be several hundred times that of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid).
A study comparing THC with CBD showed that some of the unpleasant aspects of the marijuana high, such as anxiety andparanoia,似乎是由THC引起的,并被CBD缓解。虽然复杂,研究表明了CBD的一些神经保护作用。研究比较慢性大麻吸烟者的大脑以及毛发样品的THC和CBD的量表明,虽然THC似乎具有神经毒性效应,但在大脑区域缩小灰质,CBD似乎对同一区域具有神经保护作用大脑。
Despite the current view that CBD appears to be both a positive agent in and of itself and a potential modifier of some of the negative aspects of THC, reports of how the constituents of cannabis have changed over the first decade of the 21st century are concerning. Typical reports of the amount of THC and CDB in cannabis has been around 4% of each substance. In contrast, "high potency" strains of marijuana that have been developed more recently, such as sinsemilla, or "skunk," are reported to contain 16-22% of THC, and less than 0.1% CBD. This might explain the recent increase in cannabis-related cases of精神病。