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症状of Paranoia


  • Ideas of reference: Believing that special hidden messages—other than advertising—are being transmitted to you through the TV, newspapers, mailings, mass emails, or the internet
  • 高估你的角色:相信你在世界上有一个特殊的角色或意义,这是无法识别的,未被承认或被他人被挫败
  • Overthinking interactions:思考人们看着你的方式存在一个特殊的意义,他们的声音或他们行为的其他方面实际上没有任何特殊意义
  • Suspicion:询问其他人的动机或行动(大声或在你的脑海中),想知道为什么人们正在做你在做他们的观察,或者你相信他们正在做的事情,但没有观察到
  • Trust issues: Unrealistic or exaggerated distrust of strangers, acquaintances, or loved ones

这些只是例子how paranoia can be experienced so you might have an experience of feeling that someone else, or some other force, is acting against or undermining you, which is not on this list but is still a type of paranoia.


Paranoid feelings are a normal part of the human experience and are particularly common among people who are vulnerable.

For example, when you're walking alone late at night, you might believe you are being followed or watched, even if you are not; if you're under a lot of stress, you might think people are deliberately undermining you; or when you haven't had enough sleep, you might develop unrealistic paranoid ideas, simply because you are tired and your brain is not performing at its best.


Paranoia can be a feature of many mental health problems, including depression and bipolar disorder, but it is most commonly associated with psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia.偏执狂也是偏执性人格障碍的定义特征。

一般来说,精神疾病越严重,该人的意识或洞察力越少,她实际上正在经历偏执狂,而不是来自其他人或世界的疑似威胁。偏执狂与两者都有关醉酒and退出几种药物的影响,包括marijuana那alcohol,cocainemethLSD那andbath salts



因为偏执狂可能是精神疾病的严重症状,因为如果你经历了重要的偏执的感情,那么很快就会尽快去看医生 - 特别是如果他们已经开始了几天,你开始相信其他人实际上是反对你。


Your doctor will be able to assess your mental and physical health and advise you on the cause of your paranoia. If you have been using drugs, it may include a period of排毒。You might not like this idea but remember: drug use can trigger dormant mental health problems, so if you continue to use drugs while you're having paranoid feelings, it could lead to serious consequences.

Treatment for paranoia is often successful and will depend on the underlying cause of your symptoms.

Pharmaceutical treatments or drugs for paranoia are very effective in treating the condition when it is caused by depression, bipolar disorder, and psychosis, but only a physician can determine the right medication for you.CBTmay also be helpful for paranoia when it is substance or medication-induced, and paranoia as a symptom of mental health problems.

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Article Sources
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  1. 麦克莱恩医院。哈佛医学院。躁郁症and Schizophrenia Treatment。2020。

  2. Quello SB,Brady Kt,Sonne Sc。情绪障碍和物质使用障碍:复杂的合并症Sci Pract Perspect.2005;3(1):13-21. doi:10.1151/spp053113

Additional Reading
  • American Psychiatric Association.精神疾病诊断与统计手册。第五版。Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2013.

  • Cromarty P,Dudley R.Understanding paranoia and unusual beliefs。在:Turkington D,Kingdon D,Rathod S等人,EDS。Back to Life, Back to Normality: Cognitive Therapy, Recovery and Psychosis.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2009:35-60.