If you're a veteran with dealing with a drug or alcohol problem, you should know about a VA drug rehab program that's available to you.
已经发现退伍军人体验了许多困难,包括创伤后应激障碍(PTSD),沮丧, physical health problems and problems controlling anger. High rates of drug and alcohol use are also common among veterans, especially those with PTSD. As a result, many veterans find themselves faced with legal problems.
In response to this problem, several Veterans Affairs Medical Centers (VAs) across the country are teaming up with the local court system to provide veterans charged with non-violent alcohol- or drug-related offenses a second chance to get their lives back in order. Learn about this VA drug rehab program below.
PTSD, Drugs, and Alcohol — You're Not Alone
以下是美国退伍军人部门的一些统计数据已分享正在处理重点和应候的退伍军人substance use disorder(SUD):
- 超过10名退伍军人的退休呼吸也有超过2名。
- War veterans with PTSD and alcohol problems tend to bebinge drinkers. Binges may be in response to bad memories of combat trauma.
- Almost 1 out of every 3 veterans seeking treatment for SUD also has PTSD.
- In the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, about 1 in 10 returning soldiers seen in VA have a problem with alcohol or other drugs.
Learning about the VA drug rehab program is a healthy step toward getting the help you need.
How VA Drug Rehab Works
In this system, VAs work with the local court system to create Veterans Treatment Courts, which specifically target veterans charged with non-violent alcohol- or drug-related felonies. When a veteran is charged with one of these offenses, he or she is diverted to these courts, and their sentences are either delayed or replaced with inpatient or outpatient treatment provided by the VA. In addition, veterans are provided with a mentor who assists the veteran with employment, housing or other issues.
All veterans are assessed by a VA-affiliated mental health professional who will determine the best treatment program for that veteran. Throughout treatment, the veteran's progress is closely monitored by the judge and VA team to make sure that the veteran succeeds.
The goal of VA voluntary drug rehab programs is to provide the veteran with the opportunity for rehabilitation, hopefully reducing the likelihood of future drug- and alcohol-related problems.
Who Is Eligible for the VA Drug Rehab Program?
Usually, your character of discharge or service must be under other than dishonorable conditions in order to receive VA benefits and services. However, the VA may make exceptions.
The VA drug rehab program is managed by the Veterans Health Administration. You can learn more about this important program atBenefits.gov.