社会心理学家investigate numerous topics in their research. Many of these subjects are related to social influence, social perception, and social interaction. Here are just a few of the major areas of interest within social psychology.
Social cognition关注社交信息的处理,存储和应用。该研究区与领域密切相关cognitive psychology, a research area focusing largely on the concept of schemas.
Schemasare our general ideas about the world, how things are, and how things work.
These mental shortcuts allow us to function without constantly stopping to interpret everything around us. We also develop associations between related schemas, which plays an important role in the thought process and social behavior.
Attitudes and Attitude Change
Researchers have identified three core components of attitude: an affective component, a behavioral component, and a cognitive component. Often referred to as the "ABCs of attitude," these elements describe how we feel, behave, and understand.
What causes violence andaggression?社会心理学家对如何以及为什么人们对暴力或侵略性采取行动的影响感兴趣。该地区的研究看起来可能导致侵略包括社会变量和媒体影响的众多因素。研究人员经常介绍社会学习在产生积极行为和行动方面的作用。
Prosocial Behavior
Prosocial behavioris another major research area in social psychology. Prosocial behaviors are those that involve helping and cooperating. Researchers often look at why people help others, as well as why they sometimes refuse to help or cooperate. Thebystander effect是女性行为主题领域的社会现象的一个例子。
Much of the research in the area of bystander effect was prompted by the murder of a young woman named Kitty Genovese. This case captured national attention when reports revealed that neighbors had witnessed her attack and murder, but failed to call the police for help.
受到Genovese案件的启发的研究产生了关于女性行为的大量信息,以及如何以及为什么人们选择或有时拒绝 - 帮助他人。
Prejudice, discrimination, and stereotypes exist in any social group. Social psychologists are interested in the origins, causes, and effects of these types of attitudes and social categorizations. How does prejudice develop?为什么面对相反的证据保持刻板印象?这些只是社会心理学家寻求回答的一些问题。
Self and Social Identity
社会心理学家are interested in learning more about how this inner life influences our outer lives and social world. Self-awareness, self-esteem,自我概念而且自我表达只是影响我们社会体验的一些因素。
The behavior of groups is one of the largest research areas in social psychology. Most people realize that groups tend to behave differently than individuals. These group behaviors are sometimes beneficial and positive, but can also be detrimental and negative. Social psychologists often look at topics such as group dynamics, leadership, group decision making, conflicts, cooperation, and group influence.
Social Influence
Research has helped reveal the power of social influence and has uncovered ways to help people resist influence.
Interpersonal Relationships
社会关系在塑造行为,态度,感受和思想中发挥了重要作用。社会心理学家研究这些问题人际关系affect people by looking at attachment, liking, love, and attraction. How close relationships affect individuals, how important interpersonal relationships are, and what causes attraction are only some of the areas social psychologists look at in-depth.