Medication or Substance-Induced Neurocognitive Disorder



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Mild neurocognitive disorder due to substance/medication use and major neurocognitive disorder due to substance/medication use are the diagnostic names for two alcohol- or drug-induced major neurocognitive disorders―"major" obviously being the more severe form.

Unlike the problems with mental functioning that happen during intoxication or with a hangover the morning after alcohol use—that pass fairly quickly—mild neurocognitive disorder continues to cause difficulty with mental functioning on an ongoing basis. For some people, it can impact their day-to-day functioning permanently.



What Are Cognitive Deficits?



So when cognitive deficits develop, a person can quickly find life difficult to cope with, and problems can develop rapidly. A huge risk for people with a history of drinking or drug use is that they can go back to these unhealthy ways of coping with problems, making cognitive functioning even worse.

认知障碍可能发生的一部分大脑disorder, but when they are due to a substance or medication use, there is a decline or worsening of mental abilities that were at a higher level of functioning. There is a variety of cognitive deficits that can occur as part of this condition, including:

  • Difficulty paying attention or concentrating on what you are doing or what is going on around you
  • “高管运作”难点;制定未来计划的技能,控制冲动做可能不是一个好主意的事情,特别是长期,特别是在未来10年的财务规划中从热门或寒冷的日子里穿什么来决定。
  • 学习新技能 - 这不仅仅是在学校学习,或者学习技巧如驾驶,但学习日常事物我们都必须做,比如学习使用新型技术
  • Problems with remembering information—not only difficult, abstract information, but everyday information, such as your phone number, address, and where you need to go today
  • Difficulties with speaking and communicating clearly with other people
  • Perceptual-motor skills—how you control your body and movements, even something you take for granted, such as walking
  • Social awareness and understanding of other people—from treating people with caring and courtesy through to knowing when someone is trying to rip you off



This is because there are different types of neurocognitive disorders, and if the symptoms were there before the substance use, the person is probably not suffering from the substance/medication-induced type of neurocognitive disorder, but instead, some other type of neurocognitive disorder.



In some cases, neurocognitive problems can develop almost immediately after taking the drug or medication. As the brain doesn't typically function at its best during drug intoxication and退出, it can be difficult for doctors to know whether the mental problems the person is experiencing are the result of a slow recovery of normal brain functioning after using alcohol or drug use for a long time.



Which Drugs Cause Substance-Induced Neurocognitive Disorder?

A wide variety of psychoactive substances can cause mild neurocognitive disorder due to substance/medication use, including the following:










大约三分之一的人cocaineexperience mild neurocognitive disorder after they戒烟可卡因, with some people continuing to have these problems long term after they have quit. A study has shown that people who are active cocaine users perform significantly worse on various tests of neurocognitive functioning than people of the same age who do not use cocaine, regardless of their age.

However, the same study showed that older cocaine users perform much worse on tests of particular cognitive functions such as psychomotor speed, attention, and short-term memory than younger cocaine users.









大约三分之一苯环利定users have intermediate neurocognitive problems after they stop, with persistent problems in some users after abstinence.


与许多类型的药物,有intermediate problems in about a third of users of sedative, hypnotic, and anxiolytic medications, with persistent problems in some users after abstinence. The fact that most people who use these drugs are prescribed them presents particular problems, especially with issues such as driving impairment.

Experimental research has shown specific deficits in driving ability in people who use these medications. Benzodiazepines, a type of central nervous system depressant, is also associated with the greatest likelihood of causing accidents.


Cognitive impairments resulting from alcohol, drug, or medication use can be confusing and upsetting and can cause problems for the individual affected and those around them. The good news is that if you stop drinking or using the drug or medication under medical supervision, the odds are good for making a full recovery, even if this takes time.


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