What is inhalant use disorder? It is a problem that can develop when people deliberately breathe in the fumes of various substances, in order to experience intoxication. Basically, the disorder develops in people who frequently use inhalants as a recreational drug. Inhalants are a range of different substances, including volatile hydrocarbons, which are toxic gasses typically found in household products such as glue, paint thinners, white-out, and various cleaning products, leading to the term "glue sniffing."
The substance may be inhaled from a bag to intensify the effect, which is known as "huffing." Although there are several other substances which are intended for inhalation, such as nitrous oxide and嘴巴,也可以生产物质使用障碍, problems arising from the use of these substances are not included in inhalant use disorder but are instead included in the diagnoses of other substance use disorder or unknown substance use disorder.
Inhalants are mostly used by younger people, mainly because they can access inhalants more easily than other drugs, and because they are not aware of the dangers of these drugs. Unfortunately, the use of inhalants is one of the most acutely dangerous forms of substance use and can result in sudden sniffing death even the first time they are used. However, inhalant use disorder refers to a problematic pattern of inhalant use over time, not the acute effects of inhalants, even if they are life-threatening.
- 该人使用更大的吸入剂或比计划更长。
- The person wants to cut down on using inhalants but has a hard time doing so.
- The person spends a lot of time getting the inhalant, using it or recovering from its effects.
- 渴望更多的吸入剂继续发生。
- 由于吸入使用,并且可以减少或放弃对他们很重要的活动,该人未能执行与家庭,学校或工作相关的重要任务。
- 尽管具有吸入式使用引起的社会,人际关系,身体或心理问题,但该人继续使用吸入剂。
- 吸入使用风险 - 吸入使用 - 这始终是大自然的风险。
- 对吸入剂的耐受性,意思是获得相同的效果。
How Can You Tell If Someone Has Inhalant Use Disorder?
Signs of inhalant use disorder that are less likely to be typical teenage behavior include醉酒似乎不是由酒精或其他药物引起的 - 特别是如果药物检测没有揭示这些物质已经使用过这些物质,鼻子或鼻子或嘴周围的衣服,疮痂病或疮的化学品味,称为“胶水嗅探器的皮疹,“在垃圾桶中的一个异常过度的存款或在卧室里储存的容器,如胶水瓶,气溶胶,油漆瓶,更轻的液体等的物质。