Leta Stetter Hollingworth was an early pioneer in psychology who is best known for her contributions to the study of intelligence testing and giftedness. While some of her contemporaries believed that intelligence was largely the result of genetic inheritance, Hollingworth felt that education and environment played a more critical role.
Best Known For
- Research on exceptional children
- 女性心理万博maxbetx官网登陆学
- 在临床心理学工作万博maxbetx官网登陆
- 在教育心理学工作万博maxbetx官网登陆
May 25, 1886 - November 27, 1939
Leta Stetter Hollingworth's Early Life
Leta Stetter于1886年5月25日出生于内布拉斯加州。当她的母亲死于生育第三个孩子时,Leta的早期生活被悲剧标志着。她的父亲抛弃了这个家庭,让孩子们被母亲的父母抚养,只要回到十年后,以后回收孩子并迫使他们和他和他的新妻子一起搬进去。
Stetter Hollingworth began her career as a teacher and assistant principal in Nebraska high schools. She soon moved to New York to be with her husband as he completed his doctoral studies.
While she had originally planned to continue teaching, New York did not allow married women to teach high school at that time. Frustrated and bored, she soon enrolled at Columbia University and went on to earn a master's in education in 1913. She took a position at the Clearing House for Mental Defectives where she administered and scored Binet intelligence tests.
She went on to continue her万博maxbetx官网登陆心理学研究under the guidance of famed psychologist爱德华L. Thorndike.。She completed her Ph.D. in 1916 and took a job at Columbia's Teachers College, where she remained for the rest of her career.
The erroneous belief that menstruation made women incapacitated had a major impact on women's rights since many employers refused to hire women because they believed they would be incapable of performing their duties for about one week each month.
Research With Gifted Children
HOLLINGWORTH也闻名于她与天赋的孩子的工作。作为她的工作管理的一部分智力测试, she became interested in the psychology of giftedness. She believed that educational services often neglected these students because educators and parents believed that these gifted could simply take care of themselves. Instead, Hollingworth suggested that it was important to create a curriculum designed to foster the specific needs of gifted children. Hollingworth also wrote the first comprehensive book about gifted children as well as taught the very first college course on giftedness.
Hollingsworth对有天赋的孩子的研究恰逢其务Lewis Terman着名的研究高度聪明的人。两位思想家实际上从未见过面,但他们据称他们在高度尊重中彼此的工作。他们的方法之间的一个主要差异是,虽然Terman认为智力主要是遗传,但Hollingworth更关注有助于智力的环境和教育因素。
通过她的工作,Leta Stetter Hollingworth在心理学领域留下了一个重大标记。万博maxbetx官网登陆她的一些最常用的出版物包括:
Hollingworth, L. (1914). Variability as related to sex differences in achievement.American Journal of Sociology, 19,510-530。
Hollingworth, L. (1916). Sex differences in mental traits.心理公报,13,377-384.
HOLLINGWORTH,L.S.(1927). The new woman in the making.目前的历史,27,15-20。
HOLLINGWORTH,L.S.(1928年)。青少年的万博maxbetx官网登陆心理。纽约:D. Appleton和公司。
What Were Leta Hollingworth's Contributions to Psychology?
Leta Stetter Hollingworth pioneered the psychological study of women, and her work helped to dispel a number of myths that were often used to argue against women's rights. As a psychology professor, she also mentored a number of students who went on to become important psychologists, including Florence Goodenough. Hollingworth died on November 27, 1939 of abdominal cancer.
While her early life was marked by hardship and despite the fact that she died young, she managed to become one of psychology's most eminent thinkers and left an indelible mark on the field of psychology.