
这是每个父母的噩梦,有一天你的teenager will get drunkand you will have to handle it. While this is an emotional experience for parents, it is important that you support your child through the situation. And this is definitely a time when there are good and bad ways to respond as a parent. Here's how to deal with a drunk child or teenager, and get it right.




Bruce Ayres / Getty Images

It can be frightening, annoying and angering to see your child drunk for the first time. But it is important to stay calm and in control of yourself while you are dealing with him. Your child is in a vulnerable state, both physically and mentally, and despite the fact that you may be angry with him, he needs your care and concern at this time.

  • Speak clearly, calmly, and gently

  • 和他在一起,直到他清醒

  • Take responsibility for your child's health

  • 迫使他吃或喝酒

  • Laugh at, make fun of, or express amusement

  • 在他陶醉的时候惩罚他

  • 触摸他超过必要

  • 大喊大叫,批评,争辩或威胁




If he is able to speak, try to find out how much he has drunk in a way that will not encourage him to lie about the amount. You can also check with his companions or the party or drinking establishment where he was drinking to get an idea of how much he has consumed.



Get Medical Help If Necessary


  • He has had a fall or sustained any other injuries.
  • 他有 - 或者你认为他可能会有其他药物,包括处方药。
  • He has lost consciousness (passed out or blacked out) at any point since starting drinking.
  • 他或其他人表明他可能只是消耗强大的酒精饮料,如伏特加或威士忌,因为他可能变得更加陶醉。
  • 他无法说话或不连贯。
  • 他呕吐了。这是他的身体对过量的第一道防线。
  • You are concerned about your child's health or well-being for any other reason.

Call the Police If Violence Erupts

家庭暴力与酒精增加的风险use. If your child becomes threatening or violent to people or property, call the police immediately. This kind of situation can easily escalate into a tragedy. The police are well-trained in diffusing and managing these situations.







最伟大的风险之一是窒息from vomiting during sleep when drunk.当他喝醉时,让孩子醒着可能看起来很反感,但它是最安全的事情。您的孩子可能会从其系统中的酒精中陶醉。




If your son is too drunk to stand up or you're unable to take him to the emergency room, put him in the recovery position (on his side) and call an ambulance. If he has sobered up and you feel he will be safe to go to bed, make sure he goes to sleep in the recovery position. That way, if he vomits during the night, he is less likely to inhale the vomit.

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Article Sources
万博手机官网Masewell Mind仅使用高质量的来源,包括同行评审的研究,以支持我们的文章中的事实。读我们社论过程to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. 国家酒精虐待与酗酒研究所(NIAAA)。Understanding Dangers of Alcohol Overdose。Updated November 2019.

  2. 大学饮酒改变文化。关于酒精过量(或酒精中毒)的事实。未注明日期的。

Additional Reading