How Long Does Xanax (Alprazolam) Stay in Your System?


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Xanax(阿普唑仑)是A.benzodiazepinemedication that's used to treat anxiety disorders,panic disorder和恐慌发作。它有时也为嘉禾恐怖症和严重过早综合征(PMS)等其他条件规定。Xanax通过减慢你的神经系统,让你感到平静。

Because it can be habit-forming, it's often used as a short-term treatment. Xanax can be detected in your body from one to 90 days after use, depending on the type of detection test as well as other factors like dosage, age, weight, ethnicity, and use of other substances likealcohol

Xanax is a Schedule IV drug, meaning it has a lower potential for misuse and lower risk of dependence relative to Schedule III drugs. While the risk is comparatively lower, the drug still carries these risks.

效果of Taking Xanax



  • 笨拙或不稳定
  • 头晕或光明性
  • Drowsiness
  • Dry mouth
  • Sleepiness

Serious side effects aren't very common, but if you experience any of the following symptoms call your doctor right away:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • 幻觉
  • Problems with memory, speech, or coordination
  • 缉获
  • 严厉的皮疹
  • 自杀的念头

If you are having suicidal thoughts, contact theNational Suicide Prevention Lifelineat1-800-273-8255for support and assistance from a trained counselor. If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911.

为了更多的心理健康万博手机客户端资源,看看我们的National Helpline Database


How Long Does Xanax Stay in Your System?

Xanax is considered an short-actingbenzodiazepinedrug. After taking Xanax in pill form, peak levels are found in your blood 1–2 hours later. The average half-life of Xanax in the blood is 11.2 hours in healthy adults, meaning that half of the drug has been metabolized and eliminated in the urine in that time frame.


Xanax is detectable in your blood, urine, saliva, and hair, but how long it's detectable depends on a variety of individual factors. Xanax is cleared from various parts of the body at different rates.

Here are the general timelines:

  • Blood:长达24小时
  • Hair:最多90天
  • 唾液:高达2.5天
  • 尿: Up to 4 days


Blood levels may be done as a screening test or in cases of treatment for a suspected overdose, but they can only detect if you've taken Xanax in the last 24 hours.






尿液药物筛选,例如用于就业的那些,将对苯并二氮卓测试阳性5天,达到剂量后一周。对于将Xanax更慢地慢慢地慢慢地,肥胖,患有酒精性肝病的人群 - 那些甚至更长的时间。

False Positive Testing

There are some medications that may cross-react with immunoassay urine drug screens. The antidepressant medicationZoloft (sertraline)and prescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug Daypro (oxaprozin) can cause false-positive urine screens for benzodiazepines like Xanax.

如果你按照处方服用Xanax,你有一个drug screeningor test, tell the testing laboratory so they can properly interpret your results. If you're being screened at work, you may want to let your employer know that you're taking Xanax ahead of time.


Your age, weight, body fat, other medications, dose, length of time taking Xanax, hydration level, and metabolism all affect how long it takes for the drug to be eliminated from your system.


  • 年龄: Your age can play a factor in the half-life of Xanax. For example, the average half-life is roughly 11 hours in young, healthy adults compared to a little over 16 hours in healthy, senior adults.
  • Alcohol: Alcohol and Xanax is a dangerous duo that can lead to a fatal overdose. Alcohol can increase the effects of Xanax as well as the time it takes for the drug to leave your system.
  • Ethnicity:研究表明,亚洲血统人的人比高加索人从身体排泄到药物 - 亚洲人民的半衰期约为15%至25%。
  • 肝病:由于多年的酒精使用或其他健康状况导致患有慢性肝病的人们在他们的身体中较难以突破药物,导致健康成年人近20小时的半衰期。
  • 代谢: People with a higher metabolism, for example, those who are physically active, tend to be able to excrete Xanax faster. Hydration, age, and other health conditions may also play a role in a person's metabolic rate.
  • Smoking cigarettes: The concentration of Xanax in the blood is up to 50% less in smokers than non-smokers.
  • Weight: When you’re overweight, it’s more difficult for your body to break down Xanax, which can increase the half-life of the drug.

Thehalf-lifeof Xanax tends to be longer for older adults, people of Asians descent, people with obesity, and those with liver disease.


Because Xanax can create feelings of relaxation, calm, and well-being. Because it doesn't take long before your body builds a tolerance to the dose you're taking, it has the potential to be habit-forming. Your doctor will likely start you on the lowest dose possible to see if it's effective and aim to keep you on the lowest effective dose.


Symptoms ofXanax overdose可以包括:

  • 粘性皮肤
  • 昏迷
  • Confusion
  • 瞳孔散大
  • Drowsiness
  • Shallow respiration
  • 弱脉冲

If you suspect that someone has taken an overdose of Xanax, call 911 or the毒物控制中心at 1-800-222-1222.



Some medications of special concern are opiate medications such as疑要,氢橡胶,fentanyl,hydromorphone,Meperidine,methadone,morphine,羟考酮, and曲马多

Getting Help

如果你突然停止服用Xanax,你可能会遇到戒断症状。不要在自己身上停止或减少你的剂量,因为这可能是危险的,并且可以增加癫痫发作的风险。与您的医生交谈,他们将规定适当的逐渐减少时间表,以最小化或消除任何潜在的身体或心理症状Xanax withdrawal

Many people who are prescribed Xanax worry aboutbecoming addicted对药物。虽然Xanax对大多数人来说是安全的,但是当被告知时,患有酒精或吸毒障碍史的人可能会更大的风险。


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Article Sources
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  1. Nordal K,Øigeradel,enger a,Christophersen As,Vindenes V.Detection times of diazepam, clonazepam, and alprazolam in oral fluid collected from patients admitted to detoxification, after high and repeated drug intakeTher Drug Monit.2015;37(4):451-60. doi:10.1097/FTD.0000000000000174

  2. Nasky Km,Cowan GL,Knittel博士。False-positive urine screening for benzodiazepines: An association with sertraline?: A two-year retrospective chart analysisPsychiatry (Edgmont)。2009; 6(7):36-9。

Additional Reading
  • MedlinePlus。Alprazolam。美国国家医学图书馆。2018年7月。

  • United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).Xanax。2016年9月。